Daniel Spalinger

Why build another one? There is no one to run against in RA. Only 15 listed National entries for Sno Drift and only 38 listed entries overall (meaning that likely there will only be 12 National entries and 32 some odd overall entries at the event come race day) and there isn't a single National Open class vehicle

And here is the story behind Stef's story....here is what Rally America is about to see from USAC as well as details on what they have been doing behind the scenes.

For now...about a 12 month expiration date from now on your Red Bull though.

Don't cite GRC as an example of success...they are on the verge of kaput as well....

Kevin Draper=insufferable idiot/moron.

I wouldn't worry about the rally world being crowded by Rally America for much longer...just saying....................

Go buy a Cobra Monaco instead...sheesh...half or less the price of a Recaro and STILL FIA homologated. Take the $1000+ you save in getting two approved seats for your car and use it towards go fast bits or entry fees...win...

How much of a game changer is this? Doesn't it portend bad things for the antiship missiles that China and Russia have been crowing about?

No, just like you I found it to be WAY over priced for what it is.

My personal review of the DD Cronut here from the day it was released...

Are you going to run a FULL season in RA in '15? When are you going to go desert racing with BJ Baldwin?

How do the engine stats of this diesel compare to the small Cummins in the Nissan Frontier concept? and in the photo with the truck offset to the left and the snowcapped peaks in the background—is that a photoshop error or do I see a lower control arm in the REAR of the passenger side of the truck?????

Done this quite a bit in an Xterra and a Nissan Altima. Xterra is a great sleeper, fold down the seats and have TONS of room to sack out and participate in activities. The Altima? With the pass through to the trunk down and lower half in the trunk it still felt like a coffin and was fairly miserable.

Never said I wouldn't want it—I would! But to call it a "rally Porsche" is a bit of hyperbole.

It does not appear to be a rally anything. No roll cage, no racing seats, no rally tires, no skidplates...

Understood. You have lots of time. Look at Carlos Sainz, he didn't start competing in the Dakar till he was 46.

When I interviewed you at NEFR after your win there 4 years ago you and Ken were joking that the next step for you might be a run at the Dakar. Is that something still on your radar?

Oooo....cool...I'm just interested to see what Nissan is going to do with it given it is being replaced in EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD next year...I don't know how they leave us with the current generation going forward...

Biased opinion here but how did it compare with the Nissan Frontier? The Frontier you had I don't believe was exactly as kitted out as the TRD in terms of offroad goodies but engine wise they should still have been close.

Should have cited Arin Mirkan in this article as evidence for their bravery/determination. She recently blew herself up, taking out a bunch of ISIL fighters in the process rather than be captured. A few media outlets have covered it in the past few weeks.