Daniel Spalinger

The BBB is a sham. Ask anyone who really knows anything about it. Those who pay the BBB their fees get an A rating, those who don't, get poor ratings. That's really all there is too it. Given Travis' distaste for the status quo and existing powers that be I have no doubt that he refuses to play the BBB's game and

ChryslerFiat stock at the end of the day will be like $9.05

CNBC reported this morning that there ARE three driving modes to choose from and yes, that the "sportiest" one is dubbed "insane"...

Holy crap...when Gawker paid to move to its fancy new digs it fired its proofreaders I see....

I think Tesla was facing a similar argument in Massachusetts recently and that decision went the way of Tesla by the MA supreme court...and you don't get much more corrupt government than that of Massachusetts...

so, given that it looks like it was the Syrian "rebels" shooting at this building and R2-D2 are we to assume it is Assad who is fielding these contraptions or is this a Rebel on ISIL video?

to "hit like a girl" is to hit weakly because, in the real world, girls are not as strong as men in the vast majority of cases. In the Gawker/Jezebel world there is no difference between men and women and everyone is the same and being weak is the same thing as being strong and we all get medals for

"The prior post is required by our Jezebel and Gawker phoberlords, we now return you to our regularly scheduled programming..."

Better keep those A-10s running!

SoCal, Carson City, Houston....sounds like a nice Hyperloop route...

I think most people with a brain knew exactly what this was from the very beginning...unfortunately, the aforementioned are not present at any level in the current administration...

San, do you or other locals ever see people from other countries coming to support YOU? We always hear about extremists from Chechnya, Saudi Arabia, etc. coming to support ISIL but we never hear about the inverse. In other conflicts in the past be it in Africa, Bosnia, Philippines there are often private military

I think everyone would agree that EA is not the brightest star in the sky and is essentially filling the "hot sideline reporter" quota for Fox. She isn't there because of her journalistic chops. While Minihan may have been "uncouth" in how he said what he did, he is essentially expressing what 90% of America is

I guess we are supposed to ignore the fact that he is essentially correct in his assessment of EA? I love everyone jumping on the PC bandwagon...

Now can we get an article on how Gawker is worth BBBBBBillions and yet pays so poorly that the rats in Red Hook have better Brooklyn accommodations than many who "work" for them?

No mention of the Buk SA-17 missiles? Seems like you are missing something that everyone else is reporting. If they're wrong and you have excluded them for a reason, you should state why.

Because VW wasn't doing poorly enough in the US as it is? Dumb, dumb, dumb...thanks but I'll stick with my non-union vehicles—we'll see though whether they get a majority of employees to sign up. Fingers crossed it falls flat on its face and they never get to 50%

As I always said to deadbeat customers when I worked in collections for Toyota and they would complain to me that if they made their car payment they wouldn't be able to make their mortgage payment—"You can always live in your car but you can't drive your house!"

In other words...NATO has a big stick to dominate the air over Ukraine if Russia chooses to go that route...How may Typhoons are "active" and what is the breakdown by country?

should do a story on the WWI tunnel bomb that I believe is one of the largest in history and still shows a crater there some 100 years later