Fixed the scary click bait for you.
Fixed the scary click bait for you.
I’m not defending the slimy actions but, “over half of search engine users” can’t identify Ad at the beginning of each of those? No wonder misinformation spreads so easily.
Going from “Sedona” to “Carnival” was a massive branding error, IMO. Yes, I know, it probably doesn’t effect sales that much, but it’s hard to take a vehicle called the “Carnival” seriously.
These have the benefit of being able to go on orange mocha frappacino runs without ending in tragic gasoline fight incidents.
Pfffffffttt I come for the slideshows that can be articles!
Agree. This is a lot more wholesome than Taycan window switches having a 2 step function like every other car for the last 20 years.
This thing is simultaneously neat as hell and no dice as fuck.
I understand if the cars are put side by side there are differences but if you took a picture of a single car and asked me which model it was I would honestly have no idea. They just all kind of blur together for me.
Yes, that’s called the Golf R
Thank god I am not your friend.
Different stock photos. The center armrests are different colours from one photo to the next.
I mean, this is clever as hell, no doubt. But the best thing about this is the article itself. God damn, Torch, you’re a madman
No one’s outraged that he wanted to use red, white, and blue.
I turned my VW lease in at a Volvo dealer. They were happy to take it.
Night vision during the day! Brilliant! (Literally)
IMS Bearing?
No, not really. It’s exactly the same. Just scaled down rather than scaled up.