rather than buying new safety seats every year.
rather than buying new safety seats every year.
Yes, let’s not use a readily-available, reliable, and (comparatively) dirt-cheap engine with massive aftermarket support for applications where the appearance of the engine doesn’t matter one bit.
Cop Appears To Plant Evidence During Totally Worth-It Traffic Stop
Actually I keep a few of each color with me in my car. Anytime I see a Pao with clouded tail lights, I replace the lenses and leave a nice note. Pay it forward. I just haven’t stalked anyone been in Jason’s neighborhood recently.
What are the maintenance cost on the TT? The upfront price might be about the same, but if you’re paying an extra ~$1-2k a year on average for the TT that add ups quickly. As quick as depreciation on the R? I don’t know.
I imagine this would be particularly useful for those at a campsite with power.
Thats cool and all, but THIS is amazing
Maybe the pilot has just had a long fucking day and wants to have a cigarette in peace without a bunch of whiny bitch-ass passengers complaining about the smell and how smoking and flying is “dangerous” and you should have your hands at 10 and 2 or whatever on the yoke. I mean, fuck off.
Just a new Jalop-marketing-opportunity.
And orange carnival barker presidents.
Since it appears that I’m first, I would like to submit that this is not how riddles work. By this logic, your name starts with a J and ends with a Y and no one would be able to guess it in a reasonable amount of time.
“They should keep making small good quality 2 seater Smarts like they did 20 years ago. Electrify them, small engine, nothing special, let Brabus tune them for giggles.”
This is tough. I suppose the most middlest of the middle gets two armrests, and I suppose the two flanking middles just get their outer armrests, and, in an ideal society, a free alcoholic drink.
I mean, it’s not THAT hard.
They would have sold about 1000. The vast majority of consumer truck buyers buy a 4 door.
I’m sure this was looked at, and there probably wasn’t enough of a business case for it.
This is the absolute perfect truck for most people who buy trucks. Therefore Ford will sell about a dozen of them and they’ll be discontinued in three years.
Cabin and Engine air filters. I swear I’ve had the filters sitting in my trunk for weeks waiting to be installed, but I just kept putting it off. The fact that it’s so easy and quick actually made it easier to put off - “Oh I’ll just change those real quick tomorrow before work”
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