
So how does a person that has never driven before know they want a manual? I mean I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind. But a manual transmission is really something that has to be experienced for someone to know if it is what they want or not.

Not a slide show?

How about 300 miles then?

They’ll have to make an off road version in today’s market.

Probably brake fade. Or brain fade. Either way, not a good look for the so-called professionally-trained drivers of the State Police.


So go check out Car Talk’s website, if you haven’t in a while. If nothing else, you can catch up on Ray’s newest columns; he still sounds the same as you remember.

Yep. This isn’t a heartwarming tale, this is a damning indictment of our healthcare system and the effects of weak labor protections.

All of this because he lives in a country where the cost of healthcare would kill him otherwise. This is all great and warm and fuzzy, but let’s not forget that this would not be necessary in a country with a working healthcare system for its citizens. 

I checked and, yeah, Texas Southern general parking permits are $250 or more, and I can totally sympathize with a broke college kid not wanting to pay that.

The missing vowel could be A instead of U.


Didn’t that fuzzy math include the energy savings the Roof was supposed to produce?

Just like Ramius did in Hunt for Red October? The US Navy still got the sub iirc.

Not just the taillights, but one of the best rear ends of any car ever.

1963 Chrysler Turbine Car, for the perfect way the taillights integrated into the futuristic space-age turbine theme of the car.

I dunno - seems pretty sharky to me...

This would be a lot more fun with pictures

I called bullshit on this company the first time I heard their name. For a minute, it looked like they would prove me wrong, but in the end, it seems they’re exactly I thought they were: some weird scam calling themselves Nikola so early investors would associate them with Tesla’s success.

I assumed this company was a buncha wannabe bullshit as soon as I saw the name.