
The fact that all chargers are not required to work with all electric vehicles is some dumb ass shit.

Normally my gut would say to go with either the Mercedes E63 wagon or the Audi RS6. But as capable as those wagons are, they both feel like big cars. I would have you consider the Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo Turbo."

When was the last time a Le Mans winner was relevant to your daily commute?

And don’t say shit like “gone totally homo” like it’s a pejorative, you fucking Neanderthal.

How does a comment like this get approved but many, many others languish in Pending status for eternity? Ffs.

Everyone on this site: “I want a fast, stylish-but-not-overstyled, 300-400hp car with RWD, a manual transmission, and relatively analog underpinnings. I also want it for cheap.”

are you living under a rock? robot lawnmovers have been around for years and are nothing new.

So weird to see an organization making a nuanced and appropriate point on social media.

Just the thing people have been clamoring for, a single cab short bed compact luxury ev truck

As I was reading the request, I think my expression slowly changed to this:

Something tells me the Toyota survey doesn’t have to pass IRB or other institutional review...

Doesn’t matter.

I work sales at a dealership, and as for the first question, a few options it could be:

American infrastructure is built and maintained by Homer Simpson with a budget of $5.

This is a really bad take. Texas’ electrical grid issues was due to Texas deregulating their electrical grid so that the grid was not properly weatherized. This is a nonissue in every other state, and if Texas’ fixes their grid it would be a nonissue there. The overall gradual increase in electricity use is a

This Is not a good take. We need to make the electric grid resilient to people don’t literally die first, but also so cars can charge. This massive winter storm was exacerbated by power regulators failure to winterize natural gas power plants and the GOP deregulation of the TX utility market unable to load balance.

They have EV’s in Europe, too. And very cold weather. They seem to be coping, judging by the lack of news about this problem.

The 2016 Clubsport was based on the Golf 7 and had 265hp, this one is based on the Golf 8 and has 300hp.


Since criminal charges went nowhere, I hope he is slapped with a civil suit that completely ruins him.

I’m getting Delta Integrale vibes and I dig it