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As a Red Seal mechanic, I’ll say: Listen to Jalopnik here. The chances of you damaging you windshield wipers pointing up? Slim to none. The chances of you damaging them from having them frozen to the glass? Probable.

This article is straight up 100% wrong. 

No, but we’re #1 at death and don’t you fukkin forget it!

Yet another McLaren I will see in the wild and go, “hmmm, I have no idea what model that is” which is sad because my GF considers me basically an encyclopedia of cars. Any time she sees something sporty or rare she will ask me what it is, and I almost always know, but with McLarens I just say it is a McLaren because

By goose chase you mean clicking the Twitter link in the article that clearly shows them? 

My favorite heat exchanger is my wife, who can somehow pile on three blankets and still absorb all my body heat by touching my leg with a single icy foot.

Mirrors are a large source of drag. Cameras will increase efficiency. 


Okay so...

Ferrari also got rid of the turn signal stalk without too many complaints, but they did so in a much more reasonable way and also for a purpose (to keep that area clear for large shift paddles). Also, their wheel stayed round. Tesla is just doing this...because.

would you prefer he stick his head up his ass and keep subsidizing the oil companies? at least he’s trying to move the conversation rather than drag us back to 1950.

with an extra 660 or so pounds of armor added, I can’t imagine it’s going to be able to run away from anything

I work in advertising (commercial production) and I can tell you exactly why: people take themselves too seriously nowadays.

No way. Prices in the UK include the 20% VAT, which we don’t pay this side of the pond. Realistically the price will be closer to $44k, which isn’t too far off what the last gen cost.

There’s probably already a wing delete option you can check for a mere $16,500.

The revelation that a wing works better mounted from its topside than on a pedestal is the worst thing to happen to supercar styling since NACA ducts. Just as we have come to accept the aesthetic shortcomings of NACA ducts because of their function, so too will the hanging wing become styling shorthand for performance

With 986hp that roof should open and close much quicker.

His body was found in the hatch, without a glow in the dark emergency release he had no chance. RIP.

My car only has a backup camera. I generally only use it to make sure there’s nothing directly behind me that I can’t see in my mirrors, only glancing at it in combination with my mirrors.