
Black provides the best visibility for shipping guards. Just sayin.

Hari Mari are the best flip flops I’ve owned in ages (I’m up to 4 pairs, including the Nokona ones).  They’ve got a number of different material choices and are absolutely worth a look. https://www.harimari.com/

Hari Mari are the best flip flops I’ve owned in ages (I’m up to 4 pairs, including the Nokona ones).  They’ve got a

Leave and get a hotel. 

Here is some “elbow-to-dick” entertainment from Bills- Titans game:

I guess I kinda don’t get the point? It’s hardly different from the stock Targa? You pay extra to get one little dip between the rear seats?

Yet another superb life decision from a young man whose lifespan is probably now measured in days.

trust me, there are way worse ways to misspell his name.

Gabe this is called the monkey tail, not a “g-shape.”

Wasn’t it also mentioned several times during his brief NFL stint that coaches had asked him to fill a role other than QB, and he repeatedly refused to do so? Because “God wants me to be an NFL quarterback” or some such idiocy?

That shit is selfish!

pissed off cuz ‘did it better’?

... That he liked underage girls? 

They say they aren’t worried about it going for market price, but somehow that certain bidders would stop short based on the listed value.

Pretty sure this is actually a list of Bristol Palin’s exes.

By drafting a tight end tonight. Why yes I am a Lions fan how did you guess.


One tube for gas?  You don’t watch much F1 do you?

Imagine saying something so confidently and being so wrong.  You should head to a muni course on the weekend some time.

Those wheels are art. More bronze wheels please.

That Panamera’s pretty much twice the price though.

I don’t understand why he didn’t wait until June 9th to announce this.