
You could say this before the kickoff of every single Lions game and it would be accurate.

Maybe because you’re wrong. But who knows?

an ST performance variant

As noted, the Al Washington hire is a loss for UM but was basically expected, as he is an OSU legacy, from Columbus, knows Day and was only at Michigan for a year.

The Mattison things is weird — both on Michigan’s side (he, supposedly is good friends with the entire Harbaugh family — did something happen?) and OSU’s

This take is so hot my eyebrows wilted away to nothing. Somebody get me a sharpie.

No Cyril, when theyre dead theyre just hookers


I don’t understand how this is not the top comment

Is that the world’s crappiest gap on the hood about 3:08?

Trust the Process.

“Back in my day we used to have to jerk the car off for a good half a minute before launching! None of that fancy button chode business you kids are fiddling with!”

Seriously? The Camry driver AND passenger HAD to be high! Look at them! They have no clue the biker is even standing there let alone yelling at them though honestly, the biker had an extraordinary amount of control.

This guy’s so intense. Bet he has crazy eyes.

Given his literacy level, I just assumed it took him 14 years to get through high school. Or as Corch Irvin Meyers would spin it, a “seasoned classroom veteran”.

I smell rivalry. Can’t wait until the next time these two teams meet.

Just buy a damn Golf R man.

The kind who caused the steakhouse to welch on an apparent 78% discount to all customers.

“Had a great night. Make 2ure you get your 2hoes from my bathroom.”


Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.