Ok, come with me down the rabbit hole.
Ok, come with me down the rabbit hole.
That implies the pope was involved in the decision to order a new popemobile. Or that the vatican is aware that Fisker is making this vehicle. I’m thinking it’s a publicity stunt, in which case, mission accomplished.
While I’m normally inclined to agree with that sentiment, in this case it’s really Michigan. I love my state, but our roads are atrocious.
I like the grille better with a european license plate blocking a large part of it.
No mention of the GTD? (they also make a GTE, which I’m fine with you not mentioning).
“And while it’s a little sad to see it go” - this has nothing to do with McLaren losing their HQ. They used to own the building, now they lease it.
Horrible story - kids are mean, and the teacher deserves severe consequences, but why is this about race?
How the hell do you put 76,000 miles on this thing?
FTFY. She broke the law, her race has nothing to do with it, in spite of your clickbait tendencies.
Hate the grille on production vehicles, but it’s better here. Perhaps because it’s angled differently?
You must be new around here.
No matter the outcome, this is a horrible situation. Either Watson is a serial predator, or there are people out there evil enough to make these false accusations.
He was great in A Christmas Story.
As a mask-wearing white guy, just curious, when did it become acceptable to make blanket statements about any race?
Can’t speak for him, but headlines from this site are also on other sites within the same network (Gizmodo and Jalopnik). I’m here because as a mask-wearing white man, I was curious about how it’s acceptable to speak in absolutes about me, or to make blanket statements about any race whatsoever.
Capitalization is often cited for lukewarm LFA sales.
bUt wHY iSN’t BMW ImPoRtiNg a mAnUAl wAgoN???!!!!!!!!!
I prefer the ‘62, far uglier (cooler) front end. Badass
I know I’m in the minority here, why does it bother me so much that the Subaru is in Neutral?
Not sure I’d call the profile of the front end a “minimal overhang”. I know they have a lot to cram in there, but that’s quite the schnoz.