Daniel Tipton

I don't think Bojack is more man any more than Bugs Bunny might be

Paul F. Tompkins is the standout of anything he's involved in. I wish more people knew him

It seems like this is a list based in the past mainly, but more recent characters (like Bojack Horseman) deserve at least honorable mentions

That sounds wonderful. I'll check it out and let you know what I think.

A Pigeon…sounds interesting. I may check it out. Im takin a European Lit class right now and the final paper has to be about something within the realm of art in Europe. I'm hoping to write about a movie. I'm considering White God, a fantastic Hungarian film I saw last week, but I'm looking into other options as well.

Saw Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times at a local independent theater. It was a wonderful and absolutely hilarious film with lots of interesting social/political themes. I also started listening to Alt J. Can't believe I didn't get into them sooner.