Daniel Patrick Roche

I assume it was since Hulu actually pulled the trigger on the second season order it committed to in order to land it. There must have been some way to get out of it if the show flopped.

Articles about David Milch's efforts to rebuild his career one last time have mentioned that he's being brought on as a showrunner of a television show that was successful in its first season. I was sort of hoping it was this. This and Chance are the two obvious ones that fit that description.

I may be wrong, but I don't think you can own something as broad as a general premise of a story. If that were the case, the direct-to-video market just wouldn't exist.

Since he's historically one of the most marketable characters in the Star Wars universe, I'll be legitimately shocked if he doesn't show up in either the anthology or saga movies at some point.

The only film he's made that I'd personally put in the "interesting failure" category is The New World. I agree with Christopher Plummer that that film falls apart after the opening sequence. Badlands, Days of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, and Tree of Life, I consider masterpieces. (To the Wonder if a film I admire more

I'm totally with you about baseball being distilled boredom. But finding basketball or soccer boring is kind of weird.

He's basically a space gimp with a laser sword. If anything, especially since they have bent over backwards to reference the prequels in the new canon, he should be ever cattier—catty bordering on or even crossing into full-blown camp.

Assuming you believe the neo-Red Scare hysteria that is completely baseless in terms of evidence or facts.

The biggest argument against that is that the Podesta leaks show Saban has the English language skills of a mentally challenged nine-year-old. When you're that inarticulate, I have a hard time imagining you being the driving force behind any kind of conspiracy.

Yeah, that's not how entertainment works. I get to have an opinion. You can run along now and pass out safety pins or chase journalists off campus because they've violated your "safe space" or whatever you do.

Colter has presence but I found the actual dialogue they gave him troubling. Everything Luke Cage says seems like something a slightly hipper/more relevant Bill Cosby would say before—you know. It's just barely disguised responsibility politics.

Unless it's announced that they are going with the 'R' rating, I don't think it's a factor here. A solo Venom movie that reads roughly like this has been in development Hell ever since the character proved it could sell toys and other merchandise, i.e. the mid-1990s. New Line tried various times to do it. Sony has

He was a genius in the realm of the dramatic arts who was aware he was a genius in that area. Very few of those people are sane and charitable. Almost all of them are deranged narcissists with substance abuse and trauma issues.

By "less heavy-handed" with metaphors, does the reviewer mean the dialogue no longer sounds like it's literally the first draft and the writers are putting the subtext directly in the text without trying to make it sound anything like naturalistic speech yet? I watched the premiere and it seems like that's the case.

Eh, don't worry, you'd probably obsess over whatever alternative demographic your corporately-funded professors told you was responsible for all evil in the world and thereby unwittingly aid the ruling classes' aim to splinter and disorganize resistance to economic violence by the lower classes.

If you think you addressed my argument at all, let alone managed to "blow holes" in it, I feel really sorry for anyone who has to reason with you day-to-day.

And I think I know someone who spent too much time immersing themselves in campus politics and not enough time in critical reasoning or logic classes. Responding to a truncated version of the comment out of context is still strawmanning/uncharitable.

Yeah, that's still not what I was saying. Read the OP again and think harder

One where you get a serious response if and only if you don't confront me with a strawman of what I said/put words in my mouth?

Labeling things like this "sexist" just continues the abuse and devaluation of that term. There is nothing about Casey Affleck being a male or even—God forbid—a white, heterosexual cis male that has anything to do with this. He put in a great performance in a great movie and got recognized.