Daniel Patrick Roche

They also consciously downplayed Clinton's unpopularity. When you are running for president and you can't completely fill a high school auditorium in October, chances are you are not going to win, (Also, winning campaigns don't need to do a full-blown voter suppression campaign against third party candidates, try to

That's because having sex with young boys at parties in certain circles in Hollywood is a thing, Bryan Singer has a reputation for going to and hosting such parties, and there were multiple articles written by reputable publishers during that controversy that described interviewees as "visibly shuddering" or

Featuring the drinking as openly as they are suggests they are going to get around repeating the movie by more directly adapting Psycho, i.e. in the novel Norman is an antisocial, overweight creepy person who loves the hooch almost as much as Mother and more closely resembles a fictionalized Ed Gein than the movie

It's also, literally, how children eat steak.

It's always been dismissive arrogance. Look at that clip from the 1990s with Henry Rollins. The guys has always been this much of an asshole. It's just his niche has been appealing to upper middle class professionals who are also assholes and basically conservative at the end of the day but in desperate denial over

Nobody has the proper respect for the subjunctive or the hyphen these days. *Shakes fist at a cruel and indifferent world.*

Outside of Galaxy Quest, the only thing that I've liked him in is Red Belt—and in both he's basically playing the douchiest kind of actor there is, i.e. a slightly more successful Tim Allen.

Also 4 out of the last 9 if you count Leno, Letterman, O'Brien, and Ferguson. If you go the Grover Cleveland route and count Leno twice, it's 5/9. Something is a little weird about a majority of major network late night hosts of the 24 years being a white corporate shill named James—like they are just cloning the

The modern day equivalent would have his whereabouts updated to USPS via the GPS in his vehicle in real time and would likely be fired within days.

This. They are pretty much designed to be seen on a big screen with a crowd, preferably at an Alamo Drafthouse location or other venue that accommodates enjoying the movie with a good beer or stiff drink.

I think he's grading them mostly on the action, not the drama.

The original comment basically made fun of the "severe" formation process for not weeding out the pedophiles. The entire point of my post is that they have almost nothing to do with each other and more to do with the way the executive level of the church is and has been historically organized. (The child rape scandal

This is a cheap and frankly tired joke about a horrific organization-wide practice of covering up child rape. For that reason, I was wrestling with whether to even respond but I'm going to respond in what I hope and believe to be a charitable fashion.

They don't really have PR people. They mostly have unpaid interns, who are more or less the most insufferably militant vegans from assorted American universities, who churn out content under the "supervision" of an actual salaried PR person. (I knew someone who started working for them at their headquarters in

Yeah, we live in California. But, in these kinds of matters, federal scheduling is what informs these decisions. If she tests positive for a schedule 1 drug—which marijuana is—or federally legal pharmaceutical she wasn't prescribed, they pull all her pain prescriptions.

It can be if it's rushed. Joining the Church, especially the Western rite of the Roman Catholic Church, in a professional capacity is a major life decision. Making that decision immediately after bailing out of your wedding seems a little too much like "running away into the cloth."

My mother has a very severe case of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, a cancer-causing genetic disorder, and is a little over a decade out from being in remission from a late stage case of metastatic breast cancer. Her skeleton is basically slowing disintegrating, she's taking enough opiates to kill a horse, and

You have a good memory. It wasn't until the sequel and Saturday morning cartoon came out that the movie had this level of marketing. It wasn't an eighties kids thing. It was an early years of a nineties kid's childhood thing.

We were watching very different movies.

Uh, it mentions criticisms of Christianity but the movie is sort of the opposite of critical of Christianity itself. It's not even that critical of the Church. The title of the movie comes from its main idea, which is basically an arty version of "Where were your footsteps on the shore? Why did you abandon me? I