Daniel Patrick Roche

Trump supporters aren't hard to get. Rural and "flyover" America has been getting screwed for 40 years, they get screwed harder every year, their life expectancies are now rapidly declining, they are killing themselves en masse out of despair, and both parties want to raise the eligibility age of "entitlements" so

The first Bush and a few others were people who held one or more impressive posts for a year or less. While I think they did more in that year, generally, than Clinton did in, say, her eight unremarkable years in the Senate—she helped start the Iraq War and named a post office, those are literally the most

She's not anti-vaxx. That's a Clinton smear. Not that a bourgeois,.mouth-breather of a Yellow Dog like you would know the difference between a corporate talking point and the truth if it bit you on your talcum-powdered ass.

I'm voting for Stein, actually, because I'm not a bourgeois, war-loving troglodyte like some people.

She's not claiming to be the most qualified of the living presidents—and even there she isn't—she's claiming to be the most qualified person to ever run in American history. If you count ALL the presidents, not just those serving within the last century, she doesn't come close to being in the middle of the pack.

I just demonstrated that roughly half the modern presidents were either as qualified or way more qualified when they ran. To paraphrase the chairman of her own campaign, she's a mediocre candidate.

The leaks show that her campaign was designing the structure of the primaries with the DNC and states starting at least as early as 2014. It's why we had a primary where the first half was dominated by Southern states and states with lots of old and wealthy people and the big, progressive states were dead last. That's

Yeah, she's making the insanely strong claim that she's the most qualified person EVER because she was first lady, a single term Senator with an unexceptional record, and a Secretary of State who routinely pushed horrible policies and sold her office to the highest bidder.

If we overlook Clinton's horrible record in her roles and passing the buck for her failures/unpopular policies and compare her to others purely on access to power prior to holding elected office, the roles in office and number of years while limiting ourselves to presidents who took power after the dawn of the

No, that's HFA spin. If you read the leaked emails of Podesta and Powell, both her acquaintances and inner circle acknowledge the general impression of her as deceitful, two-faced, anti-social inept and corrupt is accurate. And they all thought it was a liability for her. It's why they rigged the primary and elevated

It's more standard than it appears if you view Harvey Dent as the protagonist.

People from that region seem to think the sheer age of their communities makes them respectable. Having lived in New England and being from California, I think the way to respond to that is by quoting Chinatown: "Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough."

And I was super disappointed that they spent a big chunk of an episode explaining the centuries old conflict between the Hand and the Chaste to an unbelieving Murdock without a single masturbation joke.

I really don't get why Daredevil's second season and this one decided to split their seasons up into two distinct and barely related arcs.

Is his synopsis basically accurate, though? If it is, it's basically dramatically inert—hell, it's not even trying to convey a story in dramatic terms at that point.

This is a joke post, right?

The "liberal media" thing is just not based in reality. The reality is that the mainstream media in this country tends to have an incidental conservative bias. It's true bias is a pro-corporate bias because 6—possibly 5 within the year—companies own all the media outlets in the US.

At its core, the show is basically a musical about the toxic relationship between the world's most perceptive empath and the world's biggest narcissist. And instead of musical numbers they announce big story moments with extravagant tableaus made of human corpses.

I get your point that you're saying this approach is why he's able to cover a range of experiences outside his own convincingly. But this really undersells what Shakespeare did—and dramatists in general do. When you consider that the basis of the St. Crispin's Day speech in the source text is one line that reads

From orbit.