Daniel Patrick Roche

I'm kind of halfway with you. I think that Disney played it WAAAY too safe in how they basically rebooted the franchise—I liked the film but mainly for the actors and the aesthetic, not the story—but I've also read coverage of his sequel trilogy outlines, which isn't hard to track down.

As much as I don't like pretty much anything he's done since Last Crusade came out, he's got a pass for life from me for deliberately fucking with NIMBY-types in Marin County and helping poor people in the process.

With the piano, I'm not familiar enough with it to say for sure if she was just pantomiming it well or actually playing. With the guitar, it was purely a prop.

From how the guitar and piano seemed to be elaborate props, I'm going with lip syncing.

Yeah, when her SNL appearances were clearly meant to showcase her body over her music, that was a clue the music wasn't going to be great. Neither of the songs themselves were memorable in any way.

I have a bizarre hope it's on the mark because it just makes the overall story of the sequel trilogy so fucking weird. Kylo Ren becomes the most crazed fanboy ever chasing the ultimate variant—Darth Vader: Girl Edition.

It makes a sort of narrative sense, though. It's the one way to make all nine movies the continuing saga of a singular main character AND explains Kylo Ren's obsession with a random girl from the Jedi Temple.

The rumor—from dubious leaks and hints dropped her and there by entertainment media doing press for the film and the production team—is that Rey and Luke are related but not in a traditional sense. She's the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker/the next avatar/chosen one of the Force. And Episode VIII is largely about

I got into a discussion about it a few posts down.

I've read other rumors from reputable film writers claiming insider knowledge that back the gist of that storyline up. Paired with Disney openly calling the script "weird," I think there's a good chance we get some version of that rumor fulfilled in the film.

Alcohol is too light for this. If they really do retread the Empire Strikes Back moment with Luke telling her "no, you're MY father" and the next big chunk of the film is like the vision cave scene in ESB, then I need psychedelics.

If the rumors about Rey's backstory are more or less on the mark, there is no way I am seeing Episode VIII sober.

I really hope they learned their lesson with Darth Vader about deflating a character's mystique. I think taking the "he's Kurt Russell from Soldier—but funny" thing from him would be a mistake.

I know there is probably a comic or book or something out there nixing this—but I kind of want the story to be he swept in on Leia when her kid went John Walker Lindh and Han took off to be a smuggler again.

To me, what makes it wrong isn't even the personality. It's the voice. He just doesn't have the baritone or the swagger for it.

Less of a snitch and more of the "let's not fuck with the space gimp with a laser sword, magical powers, and torture robot" type.

OK. One other person thinking this. When I saw the whole thread light up with comments on "perfect casting," I started to question my own sanity for a minute.

I think he's the Scottish Keanu Reeves. If you give him good material and direction, he can do great things. Absent either of those, you get mixed results.

Beginners is a very good movie and he's a big part of why.

Nah, for that, you have to be the assistant Jamie Dimon hires specifically to fluff him before topping members of congressional leadership.