Daniel McG

Stop. Stop pushing this Oprah bullshit agenda. Blind worship of celebrity won’t get us out on this current mess. Enjoy my one click, though. Y’all clearly earned it.

A list. Put aside ten minutes before you go grocery shopping and make a list. Literally the easiest thing possible, no “life hacks” needed. Just hang out in your kitchen for ten minutes and think about what you need and then write it down.

I hope someone on staff realizes that the autoplay ads for Comedy Central that you can’t scroll past really interfere with the autoplay three minute ad that plays before the ten second NBA clip plays.

Ah, so you ARE missing the point. Thanks for clarifying.

I love a good thin experience. Nothing compares to that thrilling thin. Ain’t nothin’ more pathetic than missin’ a good thin. That’s why my favorite book is ‘Thinner’. Them’s some good thins.


Yeah, this isn’t cool at all. I’m sure you wouldn’t be pumped if someone was spreading pictures of you around the internet. Just because he’s famous, doesn’t make this kind of creepshit ok.