Daniel MacCabe

I think for $40k I could take a nice trip to Europe, find one, import it and still have a little left over, plus I’ll have had a trip to Europe.


You aren’t kidding about Rams

I keep on mentioning bumper stickers that I like, so I really am doing this wrong. But fuck it.

NSFW or anywhere else . . .

I personally loved this one, seen near my house

I think at this point Meereen is boned, and though the abolition of slavery was welcomed by many, there’s no easy answer.

Historically, art has always been about seeing naked people. To give art a bit of validity, artists would add a bit of historical or religious flare to their art, like saying it was “Venus”, or a depiction of “Eden” (wink, wink! Or should I say, wank wank?). In today’s increasingly secular world where nudity is more

Call me square, but all I can think about is how desirable this thing would have been as a bone stock ‘72 911.

I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour the Baikonur Cosmodrome about a decade ago, and visited the facilities where most of the R-7 boosters are prepped, integrated, and launched. One of the tour guides commented that it was an A-1 red letter day for the downrange Kazakh farmers when one of the strap-on

I don’t want bacon with my pancakes

Hah! My transmission overheated in Buford. I think the whole town was for sale recently...just Googled it; sold for $900k in 2012.

What about the Chevy Cruze?

Way Torch. Much Wow. So graphics. Many chickens.

Probably shouldn’t be applied to the Escort...

You are correct. And having seen the Sea Shadow up close and personal, it is like a personal yacht that is shaped like a F-117

I’m just brainstorming here.

Nothing on the surface of the ocean is stealthy to sonar.

We had a big, big gun fight in the third act that we took out and we basically had Deadpool forget his guns as a means of getting around it.