Womanist Warrior Princess

Yes Hubert that is true!! I never thought about that before...thanks for helping me check my privilege :)

You are good :) So North Charleston, while it statistically has a racial make up of about 45% black/geechee/African American - those are pretty interchangeable for native folks there - is considered by many the black part of Charleston (though N. Charleston and Charleston are two different cities). Like many areas,

This show had so many great moments. There was that episode when Ron and Dwayne had the racist encounter with two white students from a rival school, the fraternity episode when Ron and Dwayne were pledging, the episode with Gina when she had the case of domestic violence. Flawless ass Jada Pinkett Smith and fucking

I LOVED DEAD LIKE ME. Someone needs to revive it. It wasn't appreciated in it's time.

Don’t count us all the way out... we had another incident here, no murder thank god, but the patrolman was convicted and sentenced. There are a lot of misconceptions about South Carolina. If this were the Upstate I’d say there’s no hope but the eastern part of our state is really responsive to situations like this

Very excited for this.

Lol patronizing and joking aside, I bet Helen Mirren is like fuck yeah I could have him if I wanted him.

Our governor in South Carolina is a woman whose ancestry is South Asian however she is so whitewashed and anglicized. Nikki Haley. This picture reminds me so much of her!!

I kinda forgot there was a sporty spice lol

I didn’t get blackface from that either. More sci-fi, alien. Maybe my pixels ain’t right on my computer screen.

YES YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES. You had me at “official Kanye territory”

I don’t understand these superfans or whoever that make death threats when their favorite celeb is talked about... That’s beyond weird.

Oh my god yes... your comment. Fuck this lady. My daddy fought a good fight but inevitably passed away from cancer almost 5 years ago now. I would jap this chick if I could.

Ugggghhh I HATE THEON!!! But then I have moments where I feel sorry for him . GoT does a good job of making people be completely awful and then making you feel sorry for them and slightly root for them and then punching you square in the gut with hate for them again. It’s an emotional rollercoaster. I had the same

Can I cast him for my second husband?

Can I say how much I appreciate the diversity of those roles? I think mental health gets swept under the rug for many people of color.

lololol no offense any Canadians, this comment was hilarious because I can see a room full of GOPers strategizing around this.

I'm mad on your behalf that people thought it was that big of a deal...

Serena is a Boss!!!