Womanist Warrior Princess

Should I tweet her:

I think she started as a Disney star but now does other things too. I remember her as one of the leads on a show my niece liked call Shake It Up (or Out - not sure) and now that I have a three year that has somehow become addicted to Disney, she has another show on their about being a spy I think. But she also sings

I recently saw him in person and while hilarious he is incredibly small. Like I could just place him on my shoulder or in a baby carrier lol

It's the Oppression Olympics.

Oh my god that's just like saying I'm not racist my best friend is black. Please shut up. I would have said that nicer but I'm not in a good head space right now.

Somebody please give Patty A. a crash course in social justice, privilege, intersectionality of identity, and Oppression Olympics. K? Thanks!

I think she would a kickass princess!

I just bought 6 boxes of these.

Lemonades are the BEST. Ya'll are smoking that good if they only come in at 5!!!

This is a microaggression (or maybe macro) if I've ever seen one.

Hoppin John, Collards, Fried Chicken, and Cornbread are what we eat for New Years!

Damn I was coming here to claim the title. Is there a second best? I volunteer as tribute.

I also remember him saying he would shut down Papa Johns and move to Europe if it passed. Yet he is still here...

Yes! PNR and some urban fantasy would really make my day. Kick ass heroines for days.

I think an adaptation of The Madness of Lord Ian McKenzie by Jennifer Ashley would make my year.

I challenge that notion. I've lots of romance that goes against those ideas. And I am an AVID romance reader. It's pretty much all I read.

Yes to everything you said.


I think good romance is received well. Twilight not so good.

LOL he is smizing