
That seems like a crazy low unemployment rate, pretty much all industries that employ anyone under 25 and anyone who works in retail, tourism, restaurants, have been shut down... do they not count what will be considered temporary layoffs? Maybe the assumption is that all these smaller businesses will reopen (as time

but it doesn’t sound like there is immunity with corona if you’ve already had it.

I just fully do not care about the weather any more. I feel like... what difference does it make? I can’t do anything outside without people acting like I’m out to murder babies and old people, anyway.  Parks are closed, nature is off limits, I could walk around in the city and get dirty looks for the sidewalk not

Personally, I’m expecting/waiting for the social media campaign narrative to change to “go get infected if you are a young and healthy to save the vulnerable.” Remember how we dealt with chicken pox before a vaccine? Yeah.  People won’t live like this past the panic of the first infections, memories are too short and

I was starting to see someone before all of this. We spent 2 hours last night playing games on House Party. So dumb, but also fun.

Ya, I have always just assumed the memes of people enjoying a trip to Target were created and distributed by Target’s marketing department.

Climate change, the environment, the fact that people who can do something about it really don’t give enough of a fuck about it to try (and are more interested in starting wars to try and keep the status quo....) I feel total doom for the future. I have no interest in having a kid to then worry about what he or she

I am locked down alone, and I can’t even tell if it’s horniness or just loneliness, but I’d definitely be happy if I had a man to get it on with these days.

If it were plain white, I’d like it I think.  I was also thinking maybe some chairs got moved out of the way for that photo.

It looks like a nightclub.  I weirdly don’t hate it, but he’s going to get sick of that place in like a year.

Blue cheese alllll day on burgers.  I love it.  But, I always have to buy it in small quantities, because no one else wants any.

Wait, is the temp taking because being “asymptomatic” isn’t actually fully asymptomatic, and people will still have a fever? I just hadn’t seen that anywhere...

I so relate, and I also feel like people think I’m an asshole for some of how I”m handling this. I’m one of those people that makes fun of themself, uses self deprecating humor and sarcasm, and jokes around a lot... so my “holy fuck I’m going insane” social media cries for help probably come across as how your doctor

Oh that’s awful, I’m sorry you lost your pup... 

Ya, I’ve got 2 cats also... they are good company I guess. I would have called myself an introvert a month ago. I don’t really know if that’s true though, I was a crying mess like 2 days in over being alone and not being able to just meet someone for a meal.

Thanks :) I hope your situation stays manageable, and you find some privacy as well.  I guess the positive in this is that we live in a time of face time and social media.

Absolutely. I tried to edit my post to say I 100% recognize my pity party is from a place of pretty big privilege.... but damn if this doesn’t suck and it’s extremely stressful to be terrified of the aftermath of this 100% of the time.

I have a friend in the same position, she trained really consistently while she was pregnant and then once her daughter was born she really had a hard time and was so down about it, and unexpectedly (to her) since she’d stayed so active while pregnant. I think it’s more common than people talk about because it feels

I think having seen the way humans behave... my guess is that they are probably accurate in thinking enough people will be going outside to loot.