
Ya....not really.

Oh man, I’m 31 but that makes me feel old!

I think that is excellent!

And then Jaime would be in love with Arya! Ick!

Dwarves are also short!! Hah hah. hah hah hah

I bet the changes in pass-through 1099 income really helped Arya!

They could be private eyes, in the summer Isles! Known as Big Daddy, and Big Mama, Detective agency!

Nah. They are high on the hack scale. But the show is still worth watching

When did that happen? Are you talking about Milisandre? That wasn’t hundreds of miles.

Also, is Kings Landing still stocked with wildfire, ready to explode. That was the Mad Kings plan if the rebellions troops took the city{: Blow it up. Why wouldn’t Cersei do the same thing (if there is enough wildfire to do it).

I disagree with that! In fact the South should have won, they lost through incredible strategic incompetence and racist extremism that clouded their reason. It is a part of the old Southern “noble” myth that they had no chance, in fact much smaller countries in similar situations have fought much better wars. The

You must really have a pointless life, if this stuff makes you so angry. 

Bad writing. 

People have gotten angry at me when I mention how Gilly’s baby never seems to age. I mean I would think it should be 4 or 5 years old by now. 

My Fave episode of Buffy!!!

Excellent explanation and picture example! Thanks for the education! Personally I didn’t have any issues with the lighting, and besides the dragons was able to follow everything good enough, but more contrasting probably would not have hurt.

I wish they would have had him do a villanous monologue in Mike Tyson’s voice. 

I would love it if that happenned Rgby, but it seems like the Lannister siblings have plot immunity. 

How did he get the ants to stay in a line? Genius!

Thors pretty old...