
This is a very good point. It COULD still be “within” BB’s timeline.

Oh Lord, MORDECAI. There’s another hate watch I need to make the time for. It’s truly baffling just how much of that film is about mustaches!

Honestly, I haven’t wanted to see a character crash and burn as much as S4 Rachel since S5 Walt from Breaking Bad. This last season for UnREAL was a tremendous gamble (which I think was mostly unsuccessful), but goddamn did I want to see Rachel destroyed by the end of it all. Seriously curious what Shiri Appleby

I mean, the “franchise” literally has a Chief Creative Officer. Outside of the MCU, what TV shows have a freaking CCO!? If that doesn’t say everything about how they view this property and that it will never end, I don’t know what does.

“It’s a LADY BALTIMORE cake...”

Seriously, the fact that Sabat sought out and used Drummond for this is proof enough of how wonderful he is and how much he “gets” the fandom. Schemmel on the other hand is a narcissistic egomaniac who feels threatened if another Goku voice actor is even at the same convention as he is. Wouldn’t it have been

Just to hear how stern and serious her response is while the guys are so jovial with their answers, too!

Bennett’s line delivery and nervous looks to the camera for solidarity were fucking perfect here. The singled out, “They smell like normal lamps to me!” was great, but his constant, strained, “Nooo, I go to the bathroom down the hallllll!” got me every time.

All I wanted here was a Vinni Vedici sketch or MAYBE a What Up With That? (since I consider that to be just as much of a Hader sketch as it is a Kenan one).

Now THIS is interesting.

EXACTLY. Plus, there’s “Free Love Freeway” reference in there, too.

You can’t say that Duchovny’s lyrics are akin to David Brent’s and then mention that he ACTUALLY has a song on here called “When the Whistle Blows,” which is the chorus to the fictional shit-com of Brent’s in EXTRAS!

I had NO idea more Dagashi Kashi was coming and I could not be happier. A second season of Disastrous Life of Saiki K is just the icing on the cake.

VERY curious about this too. While CK is just a producer in name alone on ‘One Mississippi,’ he’s literally written/co-written every episode of ‘Better Things’ this year. Adlon is clearly still tight with him and I feel like she’ll have to address this, especially since ‘Better Things’ is SO much about positive,

I cried more during this last half of the final season than I did over the entire previous four years. That conversation at the beginning of “Ten of Swords” between Donna and her daughter on the phone is easily the most beautiful thing the show has ever done. Glad that this show finally seems to be getting some

I was all ready to make the glorious conclusion that every time the series has done Interdimensional Cable, it’s actually done “Morty’s Mind Blowers” and we’re just getting the cover-up/fall-out.

Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

God, they really assassinated any goodwill of that character, didn’t they? I was like consciously hoping he would DIE during the final seasons when he was just being the worst to Erin.

This seriously shocked me, too. At least argue the opposite opinion or something...

“Aren’t you a child?”