
Couldn't even tell!

I swear Murphy said Finn Wittrock was returning year in his "most fucked role yet." Did I completely miss him?

Still marvel at her b-plot one episode that's about her trying to guess ice cream weight correctly in order to get it for free, simply for bragging rights. It's perfect Peggy.

This is literally the perfect response

Coming from the minority who loved "American Fung."

Well, Stan's dead!

Really respected how much of this episode was devoted to this song.

For what it's worth, I'll be continuing to review them on Den of Geek. These past seasons have been shockingly good that SOMEONE needs to talk on them.

All of Season 6's end tags are a piece of art, but Matt Besser with the giant hand and Briggs Hatton's incest tag are some of my favorite things the show EVER did.

That whole scene where they give you exposition for the entire season's plot while intentionally distracting madness goes on in the background is maybe my favorite joke of the year.

Or that envelopes and that same doctor continue to haunt George in finales.


Yeah, that lingering pistol beat in the finale Is something else.

That's bonkers he was only in ten episodes. They space him out super well to make it feel like he's in the whole thing.

I remember when "The Yada Yada" aired and several magazines and NEWSPAPERS were saying it was the next "Soup Nazi" and that commercials would even be shorter than usual to cram more in.

They've literally run out of minutiae to deconstruct. It's perfect.

But to the eye WITH training ..

Never really dissected this, but that's a great call. Trying to engineer a better incident that gets them in prison is interesting. Like if George had been trying to get a lady's number rather than aiding someone during a robbery or something. Anything less direct than them full out insulting someone on videotape…

This is such a beautiful economy of language. Truly the perfect two words to choose.

Wanted to reiterate this glorious scene, too. Love so hard his disgusted face as she gently laughs, all while the Mad About You theme plays underneath them.