
They nailed the landing every season, even if it seems like they've completely fucked up the show.

That standalone in Season 3 about the guy who can predict micro-moments so he can do something like drop a pencil and cause a car crash accordingly is one of the best things I've ever seen.

That arc at the top of season 3 with the switched Olivias is TOO good.

Still blows my mind how brilliantly the show used alternate opening credit sequences to tell you what universe they were in. It is SO simple, yet so fucking brilliant.

"We don't want another Helsinki on our hands," felt like a nice shout-out to it. At least timing wise.

I thought for a second that the show might actually kill off Sarah—as ridiculous as that sounds—because there's more than enough going on with everyone else.

Remember when this was supposed to premiere in JANUARY?

But that's why we lost two episodes. Shouldn't we still be getting the same amount of fights, just in fewer eps? If the whole season is lacking, I'm sure they could have made 9 work.

That car fight scene is seriously the greatest fight I've seen on TV. Still watch it often, too.

Theyve kept saying how this season is 8 episodes versus 10 so they could have more money to play with and produce bigger episodes. Has anyone noticed a quality increase?

It's aided by the fact it introduces and resolves everything in one ep. I think the fact that the final season is being dominated by a serial killer plot is a lot of people's issues here.

"A Fixer Of Sorts" is still one of my favorite episodes of television of all time.

As a journalist myself, I don't disagree, but the trade up is series providing people with ENTIRE seasons before they air. It's a problematic system but one that's not likely to change anytime soon.

And the FINAL part to the episode-by-episode Walkthrough of LAST MAN ON EARTH'S second season is up! Enjoy the mid-season premiere on Sunday, all!

"Joke" is pushing it, but it's more so we only HEARD her last name, never saw it spelled. We would naturally assume it's spelled "Shart", but now we know it's actually " Chartes."