Daniel Kaszor

This was the first episode of the show that really felt like it was just moving around plot markers and couldn’t stand by itself as a cohesive whole to me.

We’ve known that Mando is a “foundling” since chaper 1, no? I thought the show was fairly explicit about it. Under laid the entire argument between Mando and the Heavy Trooper.

A note: This isn’t the 3D Lords of Shadows, it’s the HD version of the DS-game spin-off.

Yeah, it’s kind of weird because all the Extended Editions aren’t created equally. The Extended Return of the King is interesting but inessential compared to the theatrical version. The Extended Two Towers is absolutely the one to watch and the theatrical one is kind of incoherent. The Extended Fellowship is a notable

The Director’s Cut also has an entire subplot about Eva Green’s character euthanizing her son after she realizes he has contracted leprosy and then having an emotional breakdown (this is the primary thing that was cut out of the theatrical cut, the primary motivation and arc for her character, and makes up the bulk of

The Aliens and T2 Directors cuts are notably worse, mainly because they really screw up the pacing of the movies and add long middle bits where nothing happens.

The issue for Moore was always more that he felt that DC swindled him out of the rights to the characters, mainly because the spirit of the contract was that he and Gibbons would have all rights revert to them after a few years, but DC twisted it in such a way that they wouldn’t. And, because of the way the contract

Something to note: The console and PC versions of Dragon Age were more different from each other than it seems on the surface.

Dragon Age was initially concepted as a PC-only game, and the console versions only came about later in the process. The game is significantly easier on console (console “normal” is about the

Did Glory Holes shut down?

The problem with all the sequels was that they never actually followed the conceit of the first movie: That while Jack was always true to the pirate code of personal freedom, he never stabbed anyone in the back, and when push came to shove was always a hero. The fact that literally every other character in the movie

You legitimately could just remove gearscore from the game (all enemies are now “at level” and all gear is just without a level) and the game would simply be much better.

The differences: 1) Kylo has been offered redemption twice and both times not only rejected it but actively made things worse. 2) Vader literally died for his sins.

Came here to say this exactly. I’m old enough to remember when the first Teen Titans was the watered-down silly kiddy version of the DCAU.

Is it possible to 3D print your alt’s armor with your main?

Something that’s on Analogue’s site but wasn’t really in the press release they sent out:

“Pocket is designed for FPGA development. We added a second FPGA dedicated just for developers to develop & port their own cores.

My impression was that the Serpent Guards were those like Dominguez/Amaru: locals who were all-in on Trinity and who Trinity had allowed to leave the valley to get an education at Western schools and universities.

Yeah, the “immersion” option was weird ... because the game went out of its way to also say all the people speaking English ... were speaking English.

It’s been a while since I played the game and it’s mostly washed from my memory, but didn’t they have the fact that all the guards (and basically everyone else) spoke very modern English as an indication of Trinity’s targeted cultural authoritarianism over the valley?

Now I just hope one of these shows/movies remembers that Harley Quinn is a MEDICAL DOCTOR.