
Are there no standard video game reviews for this game anywhere on the Internet?

While I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I do enjoy gaming. This is what made me ask what the fuss is all about so I read her tweets and her essay and I didn’t take it as she’s transphobic. She didn’t come across as being afraid or have hate for the trans community. I see that she did have concerns as a biological woman,

I got laid off last week. I will gladly talk sh%$ about my last company, after my references check out and I land a new job.

Until then: I am super happy with the amazing opportunity (insert lying cheating bastard company’s name) provided me. I will forever be grateful that we worked on such incredible projects

Sony built up their studios to what they are. Not the same as MS trying to acquire giant publishers to wall off existing franchises from competitors.

So sony should be blamed for owning IP’s they created themselves, while Microsofts buys up their IPs?

People who think Call of Duty is a reason to buy one console over another are the real losers of the console wars.

Never compare what you know in your small circle to the rest of the world.

Side note: Why on god’s green earth have I suddenly found myself in the greys? I swear, every five years Kinja decides to ghost me. Ridiculous.

16GB is what I’d recommend bare minimum if you’re broke as f***. 32GB is what I would have been recommending as early as 2016. 64GB is another story, though my primary desktop does have 64GB. I suppose the rest of you reading this and thinking “64GB?!? Why?!?” is about the same as I feel about people with 128GB.


Agora is probably too obscure. Pesonally, I consider it a Greek word, not an English one.

They suggest that some people may have gone to school as teenagers and actually paid attention, which a lot of people find a viscerally offensive concept...

Possibly some people have the original page cached in their browser from before the redirect was implemented.

Capitalism encourages us to put as much time and effort as is in our own best self-interest. It’s literally all about opportunity costs.  If you’d rather spend your time working more in order to get more money to spend on X, then that’s what you do.  Otherwise if you’d rather spend that same time relaxing and doing Y,

Needing to work to survive is also not a feature that is even remotely unique to capitalism, it is a basic fact of just being an animal. If you are not working to survive than somebody else is working so you can survive. Those are the only two options.

Make sure you set it for 2024.

She’s actually competent though. Maybe a little weird. But competent.

I’m stealing that for a guild name some day.

There is no sneaky enough when it comes to Chinese censor.  Their motto is it’s better to ban too many rather than not enough. 

Because it sets a precedent that Chinese companies are not only taking the movie industry over, they’re using this influence to extend their ideologies and censorship to countries around the world. And that..is very fucking dangerous. Greed let the wolf in the hen house.

Because clickbait headlines about clickbait headlines is the ultra-meta-clickbait that you should come to expect from literally all websites.