Hmm, was it sold BY Amazon, or one of the many different retailers on there?
Hmm, was it sold BY Amazon, or one of the many different retailers on there?
Online stores don't have to charge tax, like ebay. That's why Best Buy and all the other "real" stores are trying to become tax exempt.
For a second I saw the ocean as land and vice versa and my mind was trying to wrap itself around this alien planet he was traveling to! Glad I finally realized it was vice versa.
I love Metal Gear for the boss fights. Tranquilizer only!
David was the first to go on mine, sadly :( Allons-y!
GTA technically isn't a first person shooter.
I don't see where he messed up using the English language. Perhaps you were thinking of grammar?
I heard they said the same thing back when they added a darn camera to a mobile phone! I couldn't believe my stars when I saw that. Why not just take photos with my photo camera?
Well, certainly not the old Dumbledore.
MBP, Nexus 7, and Nexus 4 user here. Oh no! I'm imbalanced! Someone give me an iPod touch!
Have you not seen the Walking Dead?! Daryl wears that in like every episode!
I agree that it is misleading because it shows bats in beta.
You're straying form the point. It's not throwing wealth around, it's a gift, as previously stated. I'm sure whoever went wanted to go and weren't pretentious jerks saying they were too good to stoop to that level of "delusion." Obviously your costume would have been an Olog-hai, had you even been invited.
But you see, it isn't just throwing money around. The said costumes are gifts to the people for showing up. Just like any other wedding would have goodie bags or things of that nature. It's not just for show, even though it's pretty awesome; it's for the guests just as much as for him.
No, no, GM is Bill Gates, Mr. Vengeance is Steve Jobs, and TF4 is Steve Ballmer.
Is this reversed from the original video? The friend's hands look like they're clapping backwards.
Looks more like an Ace Ventura tribute.
No, no. It's not a magical LCD. Read the article. It's a scanner BEHIND the screen. Apple just hid the little bugger better then Motorola did. And you thought YOU were smart. Ha.
I love Runtastic! It works for all kinds of exercises too. Not just running.