
So if there is a third friend, what do they see?

He does it twice, first is maybe a couple of feet, then the vertical one. Either way, it's very close.

It looks as though he pulls up right before he passes the people.

Is Rich Dellinger in any way related to Edward Dellinger of TRON?

We aren't going to attack China now are we? Or does phishing not count as hacking?

I'm happy with my Blockbuster online subscription.

I only know her as Rogue or Anne Marie.

The real... "Bat"man? No disrespect, that is an awesome ability for him.

So, if you have weed, and the cops come knocking, can't you run to the bathroom, throw your stash in, take a dump, don't flush it, then answer the door? What would happen?

I haven't been able to play since my Network was hacked :(

Not to be a jerk, but your grammar totally blew my mind.

Only Bobby McFerrin's songs are musically appealing. To musicians at least.

You could buy the Sony remote for it..

I'm sure if any of the teens today had the money, they would buy the things they play with. As long as they're doing something that isn't destructive, they can continue in my book.

My ears are bleeding.

And our ears.

@Weakskills: Sharpen that... there's a reflection off that screen print.

@4thletter: You may have misread my comment, or just took it upon yourself to employ your freedom of speech.

@4thletter: Mine passed away from cancer last July. I know it doesn't have anything to do with him, but seeing someone go through that, you don't just ridicule him even more.