@ian.g.case: "You guys are acting like the iPhone 4 is completely incapable of making a phone call if you look at it wrong."
@ian.g.case: "You guys are acting like the iPhone 4 is completely incapable of making a phone call if you look at it wrong."
@cynep: Well I know how to prevent situations in which I need super care for my phone. And you did say "...for any kind of support..." whether it's programming errors or simple questions that can be answered by reading the "teleprompter."
Looked like an elaborate bong ha
Hahaa, love Steve Reich's music.
@bluescreenofdeath: I think if anything, it's just people who jailbreak iPhones. Never once had a friend come up to me with an Android phone asking to root it.
@cynep: That's funny, I only have to push 2 numbers then wait about a minute or 2 to get a hold of someone from Verizon.
@WilliamTheFifth: And now I must clean my keyboard of soda...
@Jux: The cars don't only honk and light up one at a time.
Let's do it.
@Markarian: Hearted
@keioloaf: Has always been yes to....
@GreezyG: Should we have to jailbreak our devices to get the best out of it?
@InsidiousTuna: With airplane food?
So if I were to go just south of India, I should be able to fly right?
@Orionsaint: If it's taking too long, try canceling it and restarting it. I did it once and now they're all super fast!
@kallidoan: Okay... well just because you own every little game out there for the PS3, that doesn't mean the rest of us do. This is just the beginning for PSN+ Great things start off small. Give them a chance to grow and stop cutting them down just out of the gate.
@SeraphX2: They're repeating themselves because it just came out today. I'm downloading it as I type!
@sam4sb: I don't know if you know this, but you just got owned (Sorry, I had to let him know.)
@uncle_jojo: +1
@frigg: Glad I have an Android then :P