
You need to know more people, then.

Fuck no! Get your own penis!

People who drive on the left side of the road and try to regulate traffic need to be shot. Dead. Also, I've heard that you can get a ticket from doing that.

I completely agree with you. I only have around 90 friends on Facebook. I have about 20 people who have sent me requests and I just ignored... they can't send if another request if you don't respond to the first one ;)



I love SMCFanControl! While you can change the fan's speed, it still scales the fans faster and slower based on what you need. It basically just allows you to change the default. But without it, I think my iMac would of fried by now. Whenever I play games, it's useful to be able to just crank up the fans all the

I reinstalled OSX on my MacBook Pro a month or so ago. There was some problem that was irking me and it was just faster to wipe it then fix it. (I use the laptop just for browsing the internet and writing papers, basically, and all my files I have on it are in DropBox, so it was actually surprisingly easy to

Hehehe, 69...

I have a couple apps in the App Store just as a hobby, and I got to say, people who block ads are sorta assholes.

So maybe HFS+ is better than you people are giving it credit for?

Really? How so is it inferior?

I honestly don't see this being of much more use than just the using the recovery partition or an installation CD/USB.

No offense, but I know as many computer literate Mac users (myself included) as I do Window's users. Also, Mac OS X is based off of Unix, and has all the goodies that a *nix system comes with. In my opinion, Mac OS X is a much better and powerful system for computer literate people than Windows.

That's what I thought when I read the title. I like my Game Boy the way it is thank you very much.

I'd agree with you for 3D games, but learning Javascript is actually pretty useful, since it is all over the place, and easy enough to learn.

Ok, can someone explain what exactly emacs is? Like, where'd it come from?

Right behind Apple, Lenovo is one of my most favorite brands. They really do make high quality machines.

Ya, $400 would be bare minimum, but some people just can't afford better, and I don't know your budget for this. If you want longevity you'd want to spend at least twice that, I'd guess.

You know what, you're right.