
The difference here is that this actually happened.

I'll be the first to say it: Bad idea!!!

"I want it to be as beautiful as possible, even if it’s inside the box. A great carpenter isn’t going to use lousy wood for the back of a cabinet, even though nobody’s going to see it. When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it


I find it odd that if you want an OS with windows in it, you gotta go Mac now. Window's is getting rid of windows and replacing them with these metro apps O.o


Hey, how much do you think all this cost you?

I can't believe that no one has hit on this in the comments, but a thing that lots of people do with Apple products is they buy the newest one as soon as it comes out, and they keep it in fantastic condition. Then when the new ones come out they sell them for a loss of 1 or 2 hundred and they buy the newest one again

Well, I'll take a stand amongst all these replies and say that I agree 100% with you :P She's at least twice my age O.o

Well, I think it just boils down to how people like new things. I mean, Apple products are the nice, expensive, high-end products. People that can already afford and want Apple products are the kind of people that I imagine are willing to shell out a little more so it can be brand new compared to refurbished.

Because they're still refurbished and previously owned. I've NEVER heard of anyone getting a refurbished Apple product and saying that it wasn't like new. They even offer the same warranty on them.

She mentioned the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People multiple times throughout her report... She can't be too intelligent. I mean, that book is utter BS. Like, pure BS. BS in a paperback novel. Would you like more BS with your coffee? That BS.

Oh, it says here that she has "the latest iPad". Bull Shit!!! :P

Apple Refurb is basically new...

I don't know, I think the risk is totally worth it. I mean Mars, fricking Mars! That dot in the night sky, do you know how awesome it would be to step foot on that little tiny dot!?

A 27 inch retina iMac would require a beastly GPU, so you're probably right they won't go with them. Also, are we the only people in the world that care about the iMacs anymore??!

I wouldn't say I'm phobic, but I'm terrified of heights. A better question would be, "What would it take for you to climb a two story ladder?"

I'm not gonna lie... that sounds very hippie...

Yes, it is very different. However, it is still stealing.

You know, I regularly see you comments here, and I used to respect your opinions, but now I realize that you're just another no good thieving, trolling, internet asshole. Congrats. You know damn well what point I was getting at with my original comment here.