
I actually DO believe that a new completely revamped version of iTunes is on its way.

You said, "Since I can't afford all those HDDs" and then you later stated that "(I'll admit it's mostly pirated)" Those two statements seem to satisfy both the hypothesis and conclusion of my theory, "if you can't afford to buy the hard drive space needed to store your media collection, you can't afford to have the

Tuneup does a good job. I'm not sure if it renames the actual file, but it gets the tag right. Between that and iTunes my music library is as organized as I care for.

I have a theory, if you can't afford to buy the hard drive space needed to store your media collection, you can't afford to have the media collection you have. Ass holes.

The world would be a better place with Obama dead. And the Nazis get an A for efforts for ALMOST getting rid of all the damn Jews!

You should look up Google's new(ish) unified privacy policy. They definitely can and do link your gmail and any other Google services with your search history.

Yes, Apple will collect your personal information and use it to improve their iAd network, but that's the extent of it and they do it in a non personally identifying way. Selling advertisements is NOT Apple's main source of income. Google's ONLY source of income IS selling your information to advisers to improve

No, haha, it's not the same way. Apple makes money by selling hardware and apps. Google makes money by selling your info. Data from SIRI is sent to Apple, but it is not gathered up and sold to advertisers.

I've never had a smartphone either, but I'm actually going to be buying a used 4S in the next week. Why? Because I like the way the 4S's look more than the 5. Also, the 4S is plenty powerful enough to keep up with the 5. I would NOT recommend getting a 4 because that's pretty dated at this point.

Alright, that's a fair argument. But............... has anyone ever told you how Google makes money?

You are absolutely correct!!! When buying a piece of technology, it is only the raw hardware specs that all the iAsshats should be looking at! So for christmas I'm going to give you this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116492 and I'll get everyone else a stupid, underpowered iPhone.

I guess I live in a more rural area, where the roads aren't always so consistent. GPS alone wouldn't do the job because it would require the car to have a highly detailed and accurate map of the roads it's on to work, also, GPS is fairly inaccurate. I'm not sure how well ultrasonic/radar would be, however, it would

I'm going to school majoring in Computer Science, I've been programming since my early teens, I currently program as a part time job. I've won several robotics competitions, and building robots is my hobby. I live in an area that can get very snowy during the winter. I know what I am talking about. Self driving

Those types of assistance are far off from what is required for a car to drive itself in the snow. Also, I know that in the case with stuff like cruise control, if you enable it while raining it's a big no no, because it can actually trip up and cause your car to spin out. I'd imagine that a self driving car would

How would a car even drive itself in snow that's covering the road? There'd be no way it could sense the lanes and road.

Can you explain the whole unlock business to me? My situation is basically this: I currently have a T-Mobile dumbphone on a no-data plan. I want to buy a used iPhone 4S off craigslist in a week or two once everyone has their new iPhone 5's. So basically, I see three things, Normal iPhone 4s's, Unlocked iPhone

Well, there you go, you know Victorious' Secret now, happy?

I've never had a snow day. In Utah it's not a snow day unless your car is physically unable to move out of the driveway because of all the snow.

I'm not sure if you've driven in snow before, but I would certainly NOT trust a computer with that. Ever. Never ever.

Well, yes. What surprises you about this? It's how capitalism works.