Hahaha, Ya, so no hope for the new commenting system.
Hahaha, Ya, so no hope for the new commenting system.
Well... Yes, but do you really consider, "Ten retail jobs and 15 years later and my apartment" success?
This would only work, until you realized it doesn't work. Lock me out of the WiFi? Ha! You'd have to burn the router! And even then I have my own...
Well, if I'm eating over at someone else's house, I sure as Hell won't let them take care of my own dishes. And while I'm taking my dishes to the sink, I'll offer to take anyone else's that looks like they're done just out of common courtesy. And I'm only 17...
I think it'd be interesting to see a study done comparing the success of kids who were raised being rewarded with money for chores and grades and those who weren't.
Tell me about it!
I think I get to live if I get all A's... Not sure what really happens if I don't...
This leads me to believe that you must be some sort of robot.
Wow... This generated A LOT of long winded comments O.o I was wondering when this article would come...
Blow Jobs...
Wait, a decade ago laptops had worse processors than my iPod Touch... Ouch.
Ehhh... Well I'm not a Mormon anymore. But I think it is a fact that Utah is the most depressed state in the nation, and I'd be willing to bet that much of that comes from the church's unrealistic standards.
Well, if anything, I'd say that Mormons have become less prominent and influential as time goes on in this state. Perhaps over the past 50-75 years Mormon influence has dropped in Utah enough to allow it to naturally fit into the rest of conservative states that surround it.
I'm not so sure about that one. There's nothing really about the Mormon religion that I would say makes them overly conservative, and also, Utah has only been conservative for the last half century or so.
Mormons made Utah salty O.o
Why is Utah so...
I got hit by a car a while back and I was on morphine for about 3-4 days while I was in the hospital. Man... I was soo drugged up :P I felt like crap but I don't think I felt much pain.
Thanks for the link, it's a really interesting article!
Cartoon tits are the worst. Seriously. I just don't get any of the Japanese... what is it?... hentai? Stuff.
Mistakes such as these can only be the result of poor parenting... Tsk Tsk.