Yes, thank you much!
Yes, thank you much!
Hey! Could you come back here after you've checked it out and tell me how it is? I'm thinking about installing it on my own Kindle but I'm not sure yet. Is that not just as stable as the ICS ROMS?
Unless you live in Utah, in which case the percentage of a person never touching a beer in their lifetime is extremely high -_-
True. It's more of girls don't want to join the club thing.
I actually do the same thing with my iPod. I'll get the package from Instaluous, and if I like it, I'll go out and buy it.
It's about time someone does this! Thank you! Thank you M$! I'm sick and tired of having to download an app and hope it works based solely on reviews. If it doesn't work? You're shafted. This is something I've wanted for a long time! And I bet it will drive the overall quality of the store up.
Is that an actual picture of it? If so... Damn!
Yes, but stealing copyrighted stuff and what not is all already illegal. SOPA would've given the media companies a 'shortcut' to taking down sites and censoring what they feel has violated their copyright terms. The DMCA already allows them to do that, they just wanted to make that process easier for themselves. SOPA…
Simplified? Yes. Hyperbolic? No.
Because it would still do serious damage. Most people wouldn't know/care to get around the censor, and therefore the censor would still be effective.
SOPA was attempting to censor the internet. Which is,
Anyone who was a part of this deserves a complementary pat on the back. The world is now 18% less spammed.
Tell me about it. I live in Utah and half our state is burning down O.o There's been a few days over the last few weeks where is was literally raining ashes.
No. Not at all. I have a 250 GB harddrive in my computer and I don't see myself needed any more than that in the near future. Seriously? What is with people hoarding all the movies and music that 99% of them just torrented in the first place? Are you really going to listen to all those songs or watch all those movies…
Maybe all the people who still use imperial will die on 12-21-2012 and the world can be reborn with standard measurements that actually make sense!
Well... Ya... But, I mean... We're talking about Canada here. Not exactly the definition of normal ;)
Well, crap. I don't remember ever using a computer running anything earlier than Window's 2000... *Runs away from the old people telling me to get off their lawns!*
? Weight is gravitational force acting on an object. F=m*a As in, weight will change based on where you are in space, mass won't.
It works, bitches!