You're wrong. The world is easy to change. One of my favorite quotes:
You're wrong. The world is easy to change. One of my favorite quotes:
Legacy support. IDK. I don't think most people would argue against metric being better.
None of us younger American's like that system either. I'm 17 and all my friends would agree that we need to go metric. I'm predicting that the empirical system will be dead in ~20 years.
I'm so excited for this! And to make it better, August 5th is my birthday! Best. Birthday. Ever.
Lol, actually, I'm pretty sure your original comment got deleted from the thread :P
Well, I just woke up, browsing some articles. I just finished my bowl of Apple Jacks. Not at all my favorite food. That would probably be... Er... Well... It's hard to pick because it depends entirely on what mood I'm in. But maybe steak... you can never go wrong with steak!
Actually, I've been making my Mom use Ubuntu for a couple of years, and she hasn't really been able to break anything yet...
I own both the desktops in our house, (I'm still in High School, yes I live at home!) And the one I let my Mom use has Ubuntu installed and the latest version of Firefox with adblock and flash block B) The elderly couple that lives accross the street though recently had problems with their computer, (Their gmail…
The steps are very general.
Pretend I have about $100-$200 and I want a good pair of headphones. You know, to listen to music while on the bus, while mowing my lawn, while working at my computer, that kind of stuff. What should I get?
Holy shit! Where do you live? Mars? Is the extra $$ going towards shipping?
Well a star would be pretty technically improbably, but a heart wouldn't be THAT hard to get and give to someone...
Because Chrome updates like every single day! And Firefox was like, "How come Chrome gets all the upgrades?" And now Firefox does it too Xp I remember I used to be Firefox 4, and then the next time I checked I was using Firefox 8 O.o
Plus, let's be honest here. How many people actually recycle their old laptops? I bet most just end up in the dumps anyways.
If we really cared about the environment, we would've not let the railroad monopolies destroy public transportation forcing us to buy expensive ass oil to drive our expensive ass cars. Just sayin'....
Free books if I crack this!?!?!? *Goes back to minecraft* But seriously, it's probably already cracked. The internet moves fast and is always awake O.o
Bubble bath with balloons? Hell. Yeah.
Mine is my playboy magazine. I kid! I kid! ...I'm not nearly rich enough to afford an iPad O.o
I have one of those shocker things. The best part about them is that once they shock you, the shock actually causes your hand to grip tighter, so you can't let go and have to endure the whole shock!!
5) Encrypt the encrypted data again just to be doubly safe ;)