David Holland

Someone already said it, but Supernatural had a character that was God. He has been on maybe 3 times in 12 years and it worked out fine. Just saw an episode from last season and when Lucifer (On Supernatural) was asked what he would do when he destroyed the darkness (God's sister), he replied that he may move to Los

Ok, I am being petty, but there is no way anyone would be evicted in one day. There is no way anyone is going to be evicted in one month. Even the transfer of title would take longer than one day. The son probably wouldnt have access to sell the properties until all the legal paperwork was done. You dont inherit in

I really enjoy the show but I cant see the show lasting more than two years with the current story line. Its not like Eleanor will be able to hid for 5 seasons and if they tried, the show would die.

The irony of this show and the Goldbergs is that the two characters the shows are based on, Adam Goldberg and Eddie Huang are probably the least funny characters on the shows. On the Goldbergs, Barry steals the show and on the FOTB, its the Mom and the Dad

I have no idea what u are talking about. The show was very funny and I laughed throughout the entire episode. They basically put everyone in the same room and told everyone to go crazy using their well known neurosis. Was it original, probably not , but it was very entertaining

Watched the first episode and while I didnt dislike it, I didnt find many reasons to laugh. The second episode was better but I dont see the humor all the reviewers keep writing about. Am I missing something or is everyone go ga ga over this show because there hasnt been a Asian based show on American TV for a long

I really enjoyed the first episode and like how they introduce all of these literary characters . Having said that, they episodes are getting slow with mot much going on. Not looking for answers but it has to move. At this point it looks like the first and last episode will have action and everything in the

This is a movie that needs to be seen more than once. I was disappointed with it the first time I saw it but I find it funnier every time I watch it. While he has made funnier and better movies, I really enjoy watching the movie now. I think its hysterical. To be honest, I thought Anchorman was okay the first time