
Sorry dude. Snark retracted.

The geography of this show has never made sense to me.

Since this is the comment section for the final episode, I thought spoiler warnings were already assumed for Gilmore Girls and your spoiler warning was actually for the Sopranos, which you linked to. Sorry for coming off like a dick but it wasn't clear to me.

Are Rory's odd reactions when she first sees Lane and Jess (essentially 'Oh hey') one of the only nods to the fact that nine years have passed and that she's seen them since then? Like, from the audience's perspective, we're surprised they aren't played as bigger moments, but it does makes sense that these aren't the

Spoilers for what? That's not how spoiler warnings work.

100 per cent Rory should have had a shitkicker job and freelanced on the side, just like 100 per cent of actual freelancers. I was never sure if Rory's storyline was written that way to underline how privileged and spoilt she was or if it's just that the Palladinos haven't been struggling writers for so long they have

They're professional actors. It's literally their job to look good.

What possible reason do Lane and Zach have for staying in Stars Hollow? Keep it real, ASP.

I think Berta is meant to be a good cook but because of the language barrier, she has no information about what the dishes are. Emily routinely says Berta's food is delicious, but she has doesn't know what it is.

Was it just me or was his park ranger shirt clearly just fresh out of costume storage? It had massive fold lines and had obviously never been ironed.

The lyrics are actually pretty funny considering Taylor is supposed to have written them. Of course they're a gripe about modern times! And Jeanine Tesori wrote the music, so there's nothing wrong with the songs per se, the whole sequence was just adrift from the main narrative and went on too long.

I agree that the storyline had more potential they they used. Also, considering how angry Lorelai was when the Dean thing happened, she's pretty blasé about the same thing happening with Logan.

As the audience we can hand wave it because we know she can always get money from her grandparents but I think it strains belief for it to not come up as a more important plot thread, especially when Lorelai's money and class struggles have been at the centre of much of GG.

My partner was sure it was going to be Lorelai saying "I am all in" to Luke, just like Luke said to Lorelai when they first got together.

You could tell her was so happy to be cameoing in a GG episode.

Well, not everyone can be Emily Gilmore. :)

I think a 'real talk' conversation between Lorelai and Rory would have helped this. A snide comment about Rory not paying her way or using up Richard's inheritance or something.

I don't know how much the New Yorker, Slate and the Atlantic (was it that?) are paying for articles these days but it's not going to be heaps. I think I would have just appreciated someone bringing up that she's living off her grandfather's inheritance or something. Just something to tell the audience that the writers

I think the final four words might have worked better if it wasn't directed in such a 'cliffhanger' way. Like, there are ways for those to still be the actual final spoken words (like that actually matters) and still have a closing montage that gives a bit more context and ties up other storylines (Jess, Lane, PARIS

The Life and Death Brigade stuff always pushed believability but the jokes about that douche buying the tango club (in Stars Hollow? Please) and then the bed and breakfast pushed it into Family Guy-level absurdity. You can't just 'buy' something if it's not for sale.