
DAZZLER! Ha, just kidding. ...Except not. I'd watch that. <__<

Seriously I actually thought it would be a decent action flick, instead it bored me!

I win.

I should apply.

The last 15 minutes of Fiend Without a Face gave me nightmares when I was a kid.

"HE HAD A KID REMEMBER? LOL" Is totally the only response to give with regards to Superman Returns.

I still prefer my original reading of Most Noble Laureates killed by Lawnmower. Need to go on a lawnmower rampage.

"Hey Coulson, you see that Agent over there? I'm gonna marry her."

I continue to vibrate with excitement over this movie. It would be insanely awful if the flick died because people thought "oh it's just Transformers," while yet another awful Transformers sequel is getting made. Ugh.