Daniel Gariépy

Having taken the temperature of this chat since "Feud" premiered, I expect no upvotes on this, however….
As I remarked after the pilot, I don't care for Lange's take on Crawford. She simply doesn't conjure her at all, neither in appearance, mannerism or voice. But even given all this, could she not at least attempt to

Hershel's farm season was arguably the best of all seasons. Carl got shot, Otis got killed, Dale got killed (fantastic moment). We met Hershel and got to see him perform multiple operations on Korl. We got to see Rick Grimes go through a world of pain thanks to his dear wife and best friend. We had a wonderful

Know what this show needs? More scenes with women sitting around talking about how difficult it is to be a woman….in this era.

Your points are well taken. I actually did notice that little half-smile moment that Lange inserted and thought that was about the only instance that reminded me of Crawford. Your reference to Joan's almost always being in "Star" mode is also valid. However she did have one other public persona and that was being in

As a longtime Joan and Bette fan, I'm of (at least) two minds about Feud. The candy-coloured palette for sets and costumes sets up the cartoonish characterizations, I suppose. Lange is still stuck in her AHS characters mode. No attempt to make Joan different from them. Lange's fake slight southern accent doesn't