
Yeah, having to fiddle with the switch a dozen times because you only want it open an inch or two, but the damn auto opener keeps trying to open it entirely or shut it entirely and you have to try and jab it just at the right time for the amount of open you want. Better to have to hold it down, so you have better

Because they’re normal dudes that do paying work during the day, and wrench on their YouTube projects deep into the night. Two years is pretty fast for a complete resto when you literally do everything yourself and have to source some pretty hard-to-find parts for a car that isn’t old enough to have a solid

MotionAutoTV is a very underrated, genuine carguy YouTube channel (along with his friend, Junkyard Dave, currently restoring a FC3S). I started watching this build about two weeks after he picked it out of the field, total rollercoaster with some very boring primer sections.

Did you just take a blow to the head? Are you okay, buddy?

Not gonna lie - I’m not much of a fan of sitting down and watching a race, but as an Aston fan and someone who’s driven the ‘Ring, this is frickin’ awesome!

Dont these young kids know the only acceptable way to enjoy yourself on a race track is to drive your $200,000 Porsche GT2 at 65% of full tilt while wearing every OMP branded race gear your shopping cart can hold? And then talk about how the car need to go back into the shop and get the newest titanium valves that

This is some 1%’er bullshit and I’m ashamed of you.

Driving around in a fucking Maybach, Trim-shaming someone’s V6 Camaro and cheering when they are shut-down by the man while chasing their dreams of speed?

I don’t get how that’s a stereotype now. Because some parents choose to let their kids dress like they feel dresses are not conformed to a specific gender? And because of that we all have to walk on eggshells and watch what we say? As long as its not hurtfully directed towards the child this isn’t a big deal.

New-new 911? Eh, the Boxster’s probably more fun.

Which could be countered with lackofsituationalawareness, go fuck yourself.

Looked at the “Concourse Hat” link.

This is unbelievably dumb, this is an event that has gone on for multiple years and is well known. You can’t plan for neo nazis plowing a crowd with your vehicle a year+ in advance.

I don’t see anything terribly wrong with the Miata driving. The S2000 driver is upset why?  Because she got passed? And she starts her only little road-rage tantrum. Perhaps if she paid attention to her mirrors she wouldn’t have been surprised by the Miata. There was plenty of room and plenty of forward visibility

I am convinced Ferrari is a just vile company. I don’t have the money to, but if I did, I’d never buy one. Porsche’s cars are as good to drive for far less money, McLaren’s have better performance, and Lamborghini builds better supercars.

Selling the car is the only right thing to do. Please stay far, far away from vehicles with wheels. Or move to a country where mandatory periodic vehicle inspections are mandatory.

I have a friend who has/had a 2014 VW Passat TDI and he would get a little over 700 miles on a tank of diesel. He loved that car.

I’m not crying shut the fuck up you’re the one who’s crying.

It’s Britain, that’s probably normal driving conditions for them there.

I want my 5 minutes back.