
is a prostitute being exploited? A woman’s body is her right to do whatever she wants with i , right? .. She didn’t have to sell he rude body image for 100 dollars a day, and she decided too.. That really isn’t on Franco, that is on her.. He is absolutely right, no one MADE her sign a contract to do it, she did that

I mean really what other woman had a worthy movie this year? Wonder Woman? Seriously Wonder Woman over The Shape of Water? That IS pandering..

I bet he just wanted to borrow some money from the Rock and he didn’t give it to him.

Damnit they need to resolve this crap, this world will not go on waiting more than three years in between Fast and Furious movies.. We can not survive this..

Not really when you know that the two groups that bash transwomen the most are MRA’s and TERF’s

Maybe they should have gotten Kingkiller Chronicle before Netflix beat them to the punch.

Remember a couple of months ago when AV Club was radical? I wish it was back :(

Ok who the eff took my name -patriautism- for this Kinja bullshit.. Also WTF is this Kinja bullshit AV club?