
Do all Blink-182 guitarists slowly go crazy over time?

It looks sort of Ottoman but how the domes curve to a point is very Indian, and the artwork designs look similar Ganesha pol … I guess it was meant to be vague, like a mixture of Arabic, and Hindu themes…

Is Disney's Aladdin Middle Eastern? I mean I know the STORY of Aladdin is from One Thousand and One Nights, but Disney's Aladdin and Agrabah looked too much like India to ignore.. Maybe Like the name it is combination of Agra, India and Baghdad Iraq.. I could never tell..

"It really was an enlightening piece of news journalism." …. Fox News? What are your other hard sources, The National Enquirer?

OHHH so FOX NEWS said something about it, therefore I must be wrong?.. Any news source that would call Mr. Rogers an "evil evil man" is blatant bullshit….

Now don't go mocking assumptions when your entire argument is based on one.

It's hilarious how in the same sentence you accuse someone of being his handler, that you go to assume you know exactly how he feels.. I would assume someone going off of what he has said knows more than some judgmental asshole on the internet making assumptions.. Just saying.

I should have guessed you had no idea what rhetoric was..

"Are you Patton's handler or something? His wife's passing was clearly not that hard for him." So you are saying you are his handler? Or his emotions? Are you the little angry guy from Inside Out but for Patton Oswalt? How the hell do you assume you know he feels? How many wife's have you had die BTW?

Like they're changing socks? Do you change your socks by cutting off your feet? No? Then shut the fuck up..

He was so much better before he and Hobbes broke up.

This is absolutely devastating…. This dude stole the show in anything he was in…

I dvorak you saying that shit…

But Word tells me how to English…

Eh If they licensed the song legally through the company that actually owns the copyright, the case will fall through.. Period.. Also didn't Ernie Maresca write the song? Why is Dion pretending like he is the actual mind behind it, and that this offends it's deeper meaning (which is kind of sexist TBH)? He didn't

Yeah hell everyone knows Koreans become video game wizards comparable to the kid from 1989's The Wizard as soon as they hit puberty, and then make their fortunes by competing in high stakes tournaments with Lucas..

He was afraid of the other side.

You know why the racist didn't cross the road? ….

Are all Libertarians this douchey? The joke is not only racist it is also making fun of the countless people in a regime that are basically suffering through a living hell, comparing them to their southern cousins who simply immigrated here. Does he not know how North Korea works, or the horrors these people are

Basically his comment sounded like the actor version of Equal Rights by lonely Island..