Dan Zor

or in the universe….

not so short though, it´s 90 minutes to two hours per book, so basically full length movies for each! :)

Maybe because it was the first episode since the deed and they wanted to get the pint across? :) I also hope they have some fun with the title

before they were married but while they were going out, I gather

I definitely see them going that route. While charming and hilarious, this show hasn´t shied away from tackling lots of social issues. I actually would be surprised if the baby wasn´t special needs.

It IS just sex for you and me, but for a LOT of people (for example, both of my grandmas) sex is still linked in a deep way with religion. When I was little my grandma would teach me to make sacrifices in order to get blessings from god ("I promise to do my homework and behave well if you help my dad get a job"). Now

Yeah! We were also playing the guessing game, we threw Jasmin, Pocahontas (But discarded it) or the Princess and the Frog. But all the while I was frustrated saying "She looks SOOOO Familiar!"