
Now Donny’s gonna want his own biker gang too.

мы сделаем это...... I... I mean.. we’ll do it.”

All that bonding time with the child waiting for the car to come back from service

An E60 M5? He said he has $70,000, not $700,000.

“Our current farm program subsidizes the wrong things”

I’m sure he, and the $250M deal he just signed, is really disappointed to learn you feel that way.

The Jaguar XF Sportbrake exists and yet you don’t suggest it what is wrong with each and every one of you

I.D. Buzz or GTFO. 

Petition to throw that dude working on the clay model into a lake.

I suggest a new number. 45 is already reserved for indicating failure, being the worst, and complete incompetence.

apparently, your vision.

Nope. I’m lazy. If it ain’t downhill both ways, It ain’t gonna happen.

Don’t care.   My commute to work is 5 miles.

I 110% agree. That, thing, you showed needs to be taken out back.

This is what Honda should be in the 21st century.

Yes, but oil companies aren’t exactly known for their long-term sustainable business practices.

Because if cars use less gas, then oil companies make less money. They’re the ones pulling the strings to move those tiny orange hands.

Wait, so, the car manufacturers were going “Yeah, we’ll make our cars more fuel efficient overall,” and instead of letting private industry just do whatever, the Trump administration was like “No, be worse.”

Do we need trees? Yup...every last damn one we can keep alive. Do we need lumber? Nope. We can recycle existing/used lumber materials and waste into composite laminates that are better than wood in *every* way. But when you put the fate of the world into short-sighted, self-serving, greedy idiots, well...