I plan to address the changes I see in a Rip Van Winkle series,, for the very readers of this trilogy. Would you like to know what I see as different from a mere decade ago? You'd be surprise...
I plan to address the changes I see in a Rip Van Winkle series,, for the very readers of this trilogy. Would you like to know what I see as different from a mere decade ago? You'd be surprise...
If only it was that simple. When I had 17 days on my own, I read 17 minor plays of Shakespeare, doing pushups between sets and read LeCarre in the evenings for fun. But the Box, where you do the majority of your punishment time, is double-bunked. I got lucky twice and had a madman beneath me for 72 days while I hid in…
You shouldn't . I did my time from the ages of 25-35. Easier on the old guys, they don't get tested as much
I don't watch it, I've missed a lot of better TV than that.
sounds great, like a monastery. I would have jumped on than a Japanese transfer
Since prison has an upside-down moral code, being afraid of the consequences of doing drugs makes one a punk, while handling your drug use is manly. However, overdoing is looked down on as well. It's a thin line. The closest to a 'straight edge' sub-culture are the religious people…. I was honest and refused free…
Next article, my friend. 'Prisoners' Playtime' will have the recipe
No. Segregation does not reflect the direction society is heading and will only distance prisoners from American reality. What you brought up was the dream of many of the white prisoners… it already exists informally; why codify racism?
thank you. There is much more available through www.danielgenis.net .
I was just writing about this issue for a different publication on Thanksgiving in prison. While rehabilitation may be the stated goal, the staff does not embrace it in the least. They believe they are there to punish the prisoners.
It is less legitimate because millions of people have read my work and I pay my rent with it, while you just write comments on it. If you want to know more, read more of my stuff, which is pretty open. Otherwise, you're just being puerile.
I followed you to see if you conveyed my apologies, but you just remained… well, juvenile. I'm hardly 'stalking' you. Don't read my work if it irritates you. Still sorry I bothered your aunt.
After reading these comments, I found that most were complimentary, but some of the readers simply could not get past what I did eleven years ago. Being white, college-educated and having a platform from which to express my regret from, I think that I am about as 'forgivable' an ex-con as can be. But they still…
go wwww.danielgenis.net . There is a lot more of my work in this vein. Thanks for reading!
Were America to drastically reduce its capacity to make war, it would weaken the dollar. As for Japan and Britain, one is under the US's nuclear umbrella, the other has its own. Of course, both countries are also inherently wealthy. Nevertheless, the US has actually gone to war to protect American economic concerns,…
I've been forced to watch many of Trejo's AA videos in jail rehab. And he makes a big deal about his time in prison in order to connect to the audience. When I found out how little it was and how deceptive AA's propaganda can be, I grew to dislike Trejo.
Are you telling me the truth? If you really are the nephew of someone I robbed, then you can convey my apologies to your aunt instead of childishly insulting me. Will you tell her I'm sorry and that people can change? Meaning I was a loser during that week of August, 2003, but in general I'm not. And I regret scaring…
Because I make my living by my pen. Easy to google, or check out the whole bibliography at www.danielgenis.net . I pay my rent with my talent. Do you? Does he?
No, I don't quite agree with you. I have a degree in History and always used economics to better understand the periods I was studying. And in attempting to understand what underpins prison society, I looked at the transactional scene and realized that there is no simple buy and sell, supply and demand, but also the…
He's never heard of me. I imagine that most normal people put in abnormal states like addiction regret the compromises they have to make.