
Well, coming out of the lurk to say that you enjoy my work… thank you! The person who robbed you was probably in the same position as me, just without the self-awareness. But still desperate and addicted. I'm sorry it happened to you, and I'd wager he is sorry too.

I found that a sense of humor is what really matters….

Danny Trejo is not some stranger; he has made a career out of playing a criminal and a convict. I think that I am in the rare position of being allowed to question his authenticity. If you don't respect me so much, don't read me. In my non-textual life, I am quite happy.

It certainly isn't the place to right the world's wrongs. And becoming a rat is the worst thing that can happen to you. The kids were in a gang known for its initiation ritual violence. Telling on them would have meant a scar for me, in every prison they put me in because that's how the grapevine works. This OKH

This is a very incisive post….

Oh, EF! Well, thanks for reading!

Your aunt? I'm sorry, ok. If it makes you feel better to accuse me of homosexual acts, although that is not my thing, I'll hold it down. You don't sound very charming yourself, but I'm still sorry about scaring your aunt in 2003.

Ah, your post hits hard. Because it's the truth, and it can neither be undone or compensated for. When I got robbed, I laughed it off because I was a reckless youth myself, but I can't expect that attitude from others, especially when so many incidents of robberies gone bad end up with people hurt. I hoped that the

I agree, but who chooses?

If drugs were legalized and controlled, the places would be mostly empty

Absolutely nothing. They thought it was very funny.

This is something I feel terrible about. The people I robbed could not have known how unwilling I was to hurt them and must have been scared. I have been robbed myself and know that I certainly was. The thought of having scared people shames me to this day.

Try Google

I am aware of what a Petrodollar is, but did not want to over-complicate the analogy of fiat currencies. The word you are looking for to describe your desire to play the role of Wikipedia is 'pedantic'.

You really need to Google me.

I suspect I'm a better writer than the Mexican boxer/murderer. But you never know….

Am I dealing with someone making a funny or someone who doesn't know the french words that are used in English now and again?

Slow reader, huh? The hard part was reconciling the need to get help fast with the duty to not help the cops catch the perpetrators. Got it now?

Not for nothing, I did about five times as much time as he did, I think. What the hell does he know? But he sure makes a lot of AA videos…..

Fear of consequences was the strongest motivator for me, yes.