
Thanks for this tip. I’ve been using Teams to troubleshoot our staff laptops, but some of them seem to have problem just sharing their screen. This app looks more straightforward to use for them. At least, I hope so.

This is good to know. I do support on my parents’ computers, and we’ve been using the free version of Team Viewer to do the same thing.

The absolute worst people about this are the ones who actually are noted experts, just in other fields. These are typically people who are smart, used to speaking with authority, and know how to research and digest information. So they can be very convincing. The problem is that the latter quality is no replacement

I call all of these fake experts “R-naughty”

I think this is spot on. 

I don’t mean forever. But it would be foolish to pin our hopes on specific end dates. 

Wow, dark. And yet...these are the questions that the healthcare system is grappling with, or will soon. Way down on the CDC’s list of how to deal with a PPE shortage is having doctors who are recovered and immune be the ones to deal with patients maskless. Rationing ventilators is now a reality in some places and

On an individual level, yes, assume that you have it and take action not to spread it.

Jesus, thank you for this

Just wash your hands frequently. If you grab the box and pour out some cracker goodness, wash your hands again. Don’t touch your face while handling the boxes and before you wash your hands. The virus won’t be on the crackers, enjoy them. After a day or two, the box will be safe to touch.

The worst part about this whole thing (after preventable deaths) is the constant evidence of how ill informed and illogical people are. This is Germs 101.

A quick wipe with a disinfectant isn’t going to do a lot, they often require time to work, which means keeping the surface wet. I’d check the information on the pack to be sure.

This is awesome. And you were very specific about the fact that it’s a very low (yes, not zero) risk. There are a lot more front and center risks (social gatherings, getting coughed at in the face) that are far more likely to get you infected.

The Department of Energy’s stance is “While there is a very slight risk of promoting legionellae bacteria when hot water tanks are maintained at 120ºF, this level is still considered safe for the majority of the population.” If you’re not comfortable going down to 120, you could still check your water heater’s

My dad sent me home tonight. My son kept coming after me.  I will try again tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be stronger, more healed, better rested.

We were just seeing some progress before covid turned our lives to hell. He just couldn’t handle the complete disrupt of routine. My guy is too stubborn for aba and after 4 years, of his protest behavior, I said fuck it, because I hate ABA in general...but gotta try, right? I could bitch for hours about ABA.

I also have a nonverbal son with autism who can get violent. He’s only 10 now so he doesn’t do much damage but I fear for the future. There really isn’t much out there for people in our situation 

While I’m not in an abusive relationship, I live with my sister who, until very recently, was drinking very heavily and often gets nasty when she drinks. She and I have lived together for almost six years, and either she got worse, I was worn down, or I’m finally able to acknowledge that what was happening was not

I’m so sorry.  Sending hugs, if you would like them.

Possible Trigger Warning for victims.