El Cuñado

Or you want to change the channel on your television.

Oh shit there are other pictures?

Dude seriously could you not see the picture before clicking the link?

That title picture could sell anything.

You're right, this is good advice if you prevent guys from wanting "benefits" from you. It's also good advice if you want guys to to avoid you all together.

Do ice cubes count?

If that picture is supposed to make me want coke less...fail.

This just in: Water prevents dehydration.

For all this thing's bells and whistles it's got a weak-ass flush. I'll take one of those commercial flush valves any day of the week thanks.

This advice basically applies to all interactions with people in general.

You could be right. The phrase "romantic liaison" definitely implies sex though.

Damn, Donald Trump slept with her? Proof that money matters.

Thought the exact same thing when I saw the pic on Gawker.

As much as Facebook facilitates bad behavior it can also make already insecure people more so. If you're the jealous type and you see your girlfriend talking to a bunch of guys friends on Facebook it's going to eat away at you.

If you just follow number one you really don't even need to bother reading the other rules.

Maybe they were saying boo-utcher.

When I was a kid I always got my mouth washed out with soap or hot sauced when I used bad language...by my after school babysitter no less. I do not think either of these two constitutes child abuse. The cold shower definitely walks the line though.

Texting is great because it can blur the line between a date and just hanging out, which makes both people feel a lot less pressure.

Don't really think it's fair to compare the Walking Dead to the Sarah Connor Chronicles. For one thing the latter wasn't post-apocolyptic. Second, the acting was so terrible that it bordered a bad comedy. Third, Walking Dead has 84 issues of the comic it can borrow from for story and plot. Having said all that, I