
You underestimate the extent of the Daily Stormer's subversiveness. By stating that Pewdiepie is normalising nazism they enforce the media's narrative that he must be an antisemite while also generating awareness of their website.

The white supremicist group that you say is "taking him at face value" is The Daily Stormer and they ARE NOT taking him at face value. They know full well that pewdiepie is not an actual antisemite, but they know that heralding him as such will get them more media attention and spread their hate further. Google Ben

I think I've finally cracked the secret of how to get noticed by clickbait sites. You just have to take pictures of cartoon characters and Photoshop them so they're either fatter, a different race, opposite gender or gay. No talent or creativity required.

"Slightly less than the Hollywood ideal"
Melissa McCarthy is quite overweight. She is noticeably above what any competent doctor would call a healthy weight.

I'm sick of his unfunny trailer too.

Where's Five Nights at Freddy's?

What is thy bidding, mighty EdgeLord?

It's the fanbase equivalent of a battered housewife.


Don't even need to read this article. They do deserve my hatred, especially Attack of the Clones

Jack and every other alcoholic writer stock character he puts in his novels.

Maybe King's mad because the movie has overshadowed the book in just about every aspect.

What about Battlefront?

Hasn't this been done for like every show ever? Unoriginal job, internet.

I like 'Rock and Roll Part 2' but that definitely doesn't make what Gary Glitter did okay.

Hotpie is Jon's mother. There! Mystery solved!

Rule of thumb: If it's not on Netflix, pirate it!

At least they left out Darkstar, one of the lamest "badass" characters in the history of fiction

Dorne was boring in the books. In the show it was an incoherent mess that was terrible from start to finish. Jamie's character development was completely derailed once again and the so-called "payoff" was the death of a underdeveloped character who hadn't appeared since season 2.
Also, what the hell is going to stop

"Stealing" is a strong word for a "downloading a digital copy that costs HBO nothing." Plus, paying for a Sky subscription means giving money to Rupert Murdoch who definitely is harmful to the general populace.