Daniel Betekhtin

A lot of people... Like seriously..... A lot of people....

I just think it's sad that the 360 woman was saying that after a show ended, that was it. You are absolutely right madame, it ends. And after that? You go outside. Have fun. Experience life. Instead, you dial in another show. Ouch.

@Quest: You have no idea how glad I am that I'm not the only one who thought of this!

You know what? Screw the haters. I loved Black Ops, it's an incredibly fun and addictive game, and I agree with this choice. Just because it's the same old formula doesn't mean it's not epic, fun, and has the best replay value of any game of 2010. Viva Black Ops.

Ok.... What have you played this fall?

Guys, I think everybody needs to chill. Now. This is a TV show. Zombie-evasion tactical errors made by the screenwriters really aren't of paramount importance, at least not to me. Also, Merle isn't that bad of a character in my opinion. He's a madman, and don't expect madmen to have any sense, even if the dead are

Seriously guys? I love video games, and there may be some benefits to playing them, but this is total bs. A kid will never learn arithmetic, history, or geography from a video game, and even if they learn a little, it will not teach them enough to the point where they can say that they are educated. Adding XP points

@tandyman: Dude. He killed a cat. Killed. Stop making excuses for him. Who gives a rat's ass about what the media thinks. It's what he did that matters-black, white, whatever- it doesn't affect what he did. He killed a living, feeling animal over a video game- a virtual world. That's just messed up. He deserves a

@senselocke: Now that you mention it, I think you're right about the tree thing.

@laughingdog: Did you write this? Who cares anyway- nice limerick (yeah i know its not technically a limerick i dont think but lets not get into a poetry discussion)

I think one of the biggest reasons that we don't see many religious figures in video games is that they aren't always that exciting to play. Think of Jesus, for example. I mean, seriously, he made miracles, but as a playable character in a game, would you really want to be sitting there with your PS3 or Xbox and turn

I don't know if anyone noticed, but they stole the soundtrack for the trailer from Repo Men.